Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sing It, Marine!

I found this awesome video over at Weasel Zippers. Wow. Just wow!


  1. I can tell you for a fact that man is not a former Marine.

    He still is one.

  2. That was a stunning rendition. Good for that man. Of course he's the type that so many (52%?) wish to see disappear from the dialog.

  3. How come it took the rest of the crowd so long before they recognized the National Anthem? I'm not familiar with the second verse either (which in my case can be excused) but I knew after the first line what the tune was, yet no one stood up until at least the third line of the song.

  4. I'm a Brit and I am deeply ashamed of the attitude which our country has taken towards any form of Patriotism. Did you know that I cannot fly my own country's Flag, the Union Standard, without the permission of some bureaucrat. I need a permit to fly my own country's flag! In my own garden!
    That's after 13 years of Socialist rule.
    Why can't I fly it? Because it might offend our ever-growing Muslim population.
    I salute the singer of the Second Verse of your own Anthem.

  5. Hi selsey.steve and welcome. Most of us here are somewhat familiar with the disaster that was NuLabour.

    I'm a Brit myself but I have lived in Canada for many years. One of our other contributors, Alison, is British and she kept us pretty well informed about the recent General Election.

    It's certainly nice to hear another voice from across the pond.
