Friday, June 11, 2010

Luckily, The Muslims Do My Work For Me

One of the great things about being an unabashed and unapologetic reactionary is that the natural course of events favor my side. Even though there are only about 23 of us in the country right now, the fantastic thing is we always win in the end.

Take Afghanistan, for example. There have been debates on top of debates but at the bottom of the ninth, at the end of the day, and at the finish of any other cliche you can think of, the fact remains that Afghanistan is populated entirely by Muslims.

Which means that certain rules and restrictions not only may apply, but do, in spades. To take one at random...let me much to choose from, you see, ah yes, this one will do: Muslims have no concept of Western honor and will side with whoever holds the gun.

Surprise! Billions of dollars and thousands of American lives later, our man in Kabul is planning to cut himself a deal.

KABUL, Afghanistan — Two senior Afghan officials were showing President Hamid Karzai the evidence of the spectacular rocket attack on a nationwide peace conference earlier this month when Mr. Karzai told them that he believed the Taliban were not responsible.

“The president did not show any interest in the evidence — none — he treated it like a piece of dirt,” said Amrullah Saleh, then the director of the Afghan intelligence service.

Mr. Saleh declined to discuss Mr. Karzai’s reasoning in more detail. But a prominent Afghan with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Mr. Karzai suggested in the meeting that it might have been the Americans who carried it out.

Minutes after the exchange, Mr. Saleh and the interior minister, Hanif Atmar, resigned — the most dramatic defection from Mr. Karzai’s government since he came to power nine years ago. Mr. Saleh and Mr. Atmar said they quit because Mr. Karzai made clear that he no longer considered them loyal.

But underlying the tensions, according to Mr. Saleh and Afghan and Western officials, was something more profound: That Mr. Karzai had lost faith in the Americans and NATO to prevail in Afghanistan.

For that reason, Mr. Saleh and other officials said, Mr. Karzai has been pressing to strike his own deal with the Taliban and the country’s archrival, Pakistan, the Taliban’s longtime supporter. According to a former senior Afghan official, Mr. Karzai’s maneuverings involve secret negotiations with the Taliban outside the purview of American and NATO officials.

In other words, the normal ruthless power politics as usual prevail and all the talk of schools for girls and agriculture development and aqueduct policies were all wasted.

And, I might add--as AFW can testify to--this all was done by the United States Government while its own core institutions, even its main military cemetery, are under-staffed and under-funded and limp along in horrific dysfunction, manned by cretins in a terrible Work-fare program to find jobs for the local morons, while the entire time the USG buries its dead in Arlington while the actual town of Arlington itself has become a Muslim enclave, complete with Hezbollah banners and women in the Full Monty.

It's enough to make you cry, if you don't laugh. Except, as always, the best and the responsible shoulder the personal and fiscal responsibility for such laughable statesmanship.

In other news, the Border Patrol--whose agents continue to patrol the border even though they must know that their leaders WILL hang them if it becomes politically expedient to do so--is under fire in Mexico because one teenager was shot dead.

Less than 24 hours later, a drug gang composed of former Mexican military personnel have launched raids on Christian drug-rehab facilities--with 50 cal. machine guns no less--killing more than 40 in ten minutes of organized barbarianism.

Those who did that will pass unpunished, while somewhere in US law enforcement is a poor slob who is about to get a lesson in realpolitick to satisfy our masters in Mexico City.

On all of this, it is little comfort to me that it is obvious to my mind how things will proceed and go down. The only thing that gives me comfort is the certainty that one day--one day very, very soon, a day I once thought I would not live long enough to see--the core of the American people will learn to hate their government as much as their government hates them.


  1. Jourdan said:"One of the great things about being an unabashed and unapologetic reactionary...."

    Is that what I am in danger of becoming? Or have I always been one, just closeted?

    I've frequently lived in communities where I am a minority, overseas and here, now, in fact. What I notice is that as assimilation occurs, attention wains...while every radical is noticed and, regrettably, condescended to in spades day to day. The ordinary folk of any ilk are ignored.

    That is a seed for anger long term....maybe sooner than latter now.

  2. I don't know where else to post this rather trenchant commentary. You might be interested in it. I hope so.
    Please view the latest video.

  3. Thanks, Steve - I've been incensed about the muslim victory mosque at Ground Zero, for some time. I saw this video early last week, and felt that Mr. Condell did a good job, telling what it was about, especially naming the mosque after an earlier victory mosque once erected in spain.

  4. Thanks Steve, I have taken the liberty of embeding the video in a front page post so more people can access it. I am familiar with Pat Condell as I believe he is linked by other bloggers I read.

    As an aside, is the Selsey in your nic the town near Chichester?

  5. Ya'll are just a bunch of racist hatemongers :-P


    Hi everybody, ya'll awake?

  6. RWC...good thing TCKT doesn't use PayPal, eh?

  7. Yeah! RWC's here.

    Welcome dear friend, I hope you hang around.

    How's the new job buddy?

  8. Hey Fay. Jobs doing great....I've read the paper front to back twice each day :-P

    It will pick up on Monday though, my boss and everyone didn't think I was starting until the 14th.

  9. Aridog said...

    RWC...good thing TCKT doesn't use PayPal, eh?
    June 12, 2010 10:54 PM


  10. Hey RWC, if you create a blogger profile you won't have to key in your name everytime you want to comment.

    It's really easy (well it must be, 'cos I figured it out by myself...)

    Woohoo, I'm doing the happy dance 'cos you're here.


  11. So you basically get paid for doing nothing...

    Hmm, I'd like a job like that!

  12. Right now I do Fay...want me to rub salt in the wound???

    They gave me Thursday and Friday off...paid....because they felt bad that I was so bored and they couldn't get to me.

  13. LOL RWC, I'm sure they'll get their pound of flesh out of you soon enough!

    And in other news...are you planning on seeing the new A Team movie ?

  14. Definitely on both counts.

    ZMy boss told me to enjoy my last few days of watching Jerry Springer and The Price is Right. :-P

  15. Yay, it's RWC!! Good to see you, bro.


  16. (heh, yes, I'm still lifting your graphics...)

  17. LOL.

    That one looks like they got jacked up on crack though.

  18. And Fay, I'll get to the blogger profile eventually. I just dealt with installing vz fios at my folks house and walking them through please excuse me if I don't want to do anything on the technical side right now :-)

  19. Hurray! RWC is here! I'm so glad to hear about your new job!

  20. FML...posted this at DL as well. But, step forward, 5 steps back.

    Went to 7-11 for some smokes and two old black women dressed to the 9s (obviously from church) were having trouble finding Potomac Mills. So me and another guy tried to expain to them how to get there,,,that was going nowhere. Finally, I said ladies, let me get this pack of smokes and you can follow me right to there.

    Ok, done with them. They thanked me, yada yada...

    Going home a little 17 year old with her new graduation present decides it would be a great time to make a u-turn with me passing her. (Nothing happened, cars are fine, paint marks but that can rub off) And I'm actually glad she hit me 'cause she had a F350 coming the other way which would have t-boned her and her friends.

  21. 'Nothing happened' means she hit me, but no body damage.

  22. "Ya'll are just a bunch of racist hatemongers :-P"

    Well, Duh. Of course we are. Heck, I still call Obama 'BarryO'. If you say it out loud, that's two hates for the price of one.

    Great to see you, RWC!

  23. Must be your browser, my man. They are just casually skipping along...

  24. RWC, did you find a new hairdresser yet?

  25. That's right, hon, I got deported to Poland...


  26. LOL. Florie, you're just mean.

  27. And you made him look like which is even worse......but thanks for cutting my hair florrie :-P

  28. LMAO!!! Florrie, your mad photoshop skillz are awesome!!

    RWC, I just can't tell you how happy I am that you're here. You always bring sunshine and laughter (and a wee bit of teh crazee too)!


  29. ......but thanks for cutting my hair florrie :-P


  30. LOL florrie, I'm sure RWC didn't mean you look like Helen...

    Did you RWC???


  31. Of course not....>-)

    (hey, she was mean to me first! She started it!)

  32. No, it was him, he started it, mom!

  33. img:""

  34. Did you all see on Drudge that Gen. Petraeus collapsed during a senate hearing? Good lord, I hope he's ok...
