Monday, June 21, 2010

Don't Let The Door Hit You, Jackhole

Rahm Emanuel is expected to quit the Obama regime, because he thinks BarryO is not moving fast enough to implement total government control over every facet of American life.

Good riddance, schmuck.

Well, this article says 6 to 8 months,  so maybe he is just giving Barry someone to 'fire' immediately before the election, as Bush should have done with Rumsfeld, though only for political reasons.

In any a case, a government without Rahm Emanuel cannot help but to be a better place.


  1. I guess it will be a better place, Dances, but it won't make much difference in the creeping government control and power grabs until BO is out - which will happen in precisely 943 Days, 20 Hours, 59 Minutes and 31 Seconds.

  2. Florrie - that is only 943 days and 20 hours too long

  3. I dislike Rahm intensely, but let me offer a counterpoint:

    Rahm is an expert at political maneuvering, and a smart cookie. He could be leaving on his own accord; Obama is a weak sister, and Rahm isn't the type to go down with the ship.

    Without Rahm, the White House will become even softer. Obama will appoint some inept, whiny little Marxist to be Chief-Of-Staff, and the wolves at the door will creep even closer.

    Scary, and scarier.

    2012 can't come soon enough for me.

  4. Folks, Rahm Emanuel said going in that he was there for 2 years...can't find a citation at the moment, but I recall it clearly. The Rahmster is all about Rahm, never been about Obama.

    My favorite Rahm video HERE

  5. Ha! Yeah, that's a good 'un, Aridog, haven't watched it in a while :-)

    Nice analysis, lady red, I think you are right.

  6. You know, AFG and I have a game we play where we list the embodiments of various devil stereotypes on Earth.

    For instance:

    Sam Donaldson: Dante-esque human guise devil (I think it's the eyebrows)

    Jeff Goldblum: Cthulu-eque Devil

    See what I mean? I'm pretty sure Rahm would fall into some devil embodiment category, but I'm not sure which one. The evil, perverted, but freaking hawt category, I think.

    I know that makes me a traitor, but Rahm is totally hot. I have to call this one as I see it.

  7. Of course, I can still recall back in the day when afw found Rahm to be "hawt" as she puts it :-)

    (really, she did...)

    (I thought so too at the time, what WERE we thinking, afw?!?)
