Sunday, May 16, 2010

Badass Video Of The Week

Take that, evil-doers! POW!


  1. Can you imagine having this guy as President? Heh heh!

  2. Ooooh. But he has a gun. And he holds it when he says he won't take any prisonors. Ooooh. He is an eveil man.

    Sadam Huesains wasn't evil. Osama Bin Laden wasn't evil. But a Republican talking about what needs to be done is evil.

  3. Hmm, I have a bit of a problem with that gun.

    Was it really necessary to get his point across? I found myself relating to all that he said but when he pulled the gun out it completely turned me off.

    It may have something to do with coming from England where we don't do guns (at least not in the 20/21st Century)

  4. Bringing out the rifle was essentially silly on his part.

    Unnecessary to make the point that he would be tough on those who have been screwing over the taxpayers, and certain to get him a backlash that may cost him the election.

  5. Fay - I can see where you'd have a problem with that gun.

    I don't tend to notice things like that - but not because I'm a neo-con warmonger. When I grew up my Pop and everyone around him dressed like that and I grew up with rifle and shotguns propped against the kitchen wall. You might need those things quickly (rabid dogs, coyotes getting to the lambs, etc).

    Now that I think back on it, I'm a little taken aback. I would NEVER allow guns around my kids with such easy access, but then again - perhaps that's a result of societal pressure. I've got a metric ton of cousins and family members and none of us ever so much of thought of screwing around with one of the guns - every one of us had seen what they could do to coyotes (and the mountain lion skin in Pop's rec room was also a reminder).

    Which is a long winded way to say that I think you're right about cultural context. And that I think America now is tending towards the way you see it.

  6. I think he was poorly advised about using the rifle, as an aside near the end of the video, to demonstrate he was a 2nd amendment supporter. Otherwise an excellent message that is hard to parse.

    After motor-mouth Caribou Barbie's imbecilic remark about weapons ("arms") as "votes"...the opposition will have a field day with the video.

  7. I was a little startled when he pulled out the rifle, but he certainly made his point. He's obviously angry and fed up.

    Personally, I think it was over the top, even taken in cultural context, but that's up to the good people of Alabama to decide.

    (I admit that a part of me swooned...a strong man taking charge? Politically, I haven't seen that in quite some time. I'm sick to death of weaselly leaders with better manicures than mine.)
