Saturday, February 6, 2010


While we're all being lazy and munching on Doritos, AFW is kickin' booty in the Feather Weight Challenge.  Even a painful injury can't sideline this determined woman!  Read all about her exploits at SpouseBuzz,  and leave her a cyber-hug of encouragement.



  1. Aw, lady red, you're so sweet! Thanks!

  2. I tried to post a comment, but it would not let me. Some cryptic error code telling me I hadn't shaved yet this morning or something. So I'll do it here.

    While there is no doubt that Lady Red is sweet, it is also true that AFW is inspirational.

    However, all the women here are inspirational. Strong, intelligent, witty, (and don't forget sweet!). Anyone who thinks that men like their women subservient just need look here to see that isn't true.

  3. I agree, afw rocks!

    I can't believe you braved the weather to do this. Way to go!

  4. Thanks again, guys. You are definitely keeping me going!

    Did NOT get to the gym in any form today. There is over three feet of snow around my house (we seem to get the heavier end of the forecasts for some reason). I did shovel the front walk, half of my car, and the 200 square foot patio in back, though.

    I didn't want to shovel the back, but Ike refused to go out in snow as tall as he is to do his business (Mamie amused herself digging tunnels and bounding around like a deer). So... shoveled the back before Ike's bladder exploded.

    I'm hoping I burned enough calories for today to stay on target. :)

  5. Yes, since you did shovel all that snow, that more than made up for not getting to the gym.

    I know what you mean about Ike, their majesties don't even like walking on the grass if it's damp. Sheesh, such drama llamas, I wonder where they get it from...

  6. AFW - I shovelled snow today, too.

    But not nearly as much as you did.

    You are my hero, Ma'am.

  7. afw, yu iz won bear moma i duz not want box. k? ;)

    Snow shoveling certainly counts. Be sure to engage your abs to protect your lower back. (I'm not a physical therapist, but I'm married to one, so this sort of thing becomes reflexive).
