Friday, February 12, 2010

Still Hungry

So, I came home from work and my long drive, tired, stiff, sore and hungry. I did not feel like cooking, so I turned to an old standbye - tuna salad on pita bread.

After the first bite, i went to the Chicken of The Sea website, and left this message:

"The standard military joke regarding MRE's (Meals, Ready to Eat) is "3 lies for the price of one."

That has now been equalled by this garbage masquerading as 'chunk' 'white' 'albacore'.

It is the very worst tuna I have bough in years. Chunk? No, shreds at best. White? No, it is what used to be called light. Albacore? HAH!!

I came home from work too exhausted to cook but very hungry. I often make my dinner of tuna salad with onion & grated cheese on pita bread.

I opened 2 cans. I did not like the look of them, but went ahead and made my dinner.

You owe me pita bread, mayo, grated sharp cheddar, and a small white onion, because the first bite nearly made me throw up.

I let my sister smell it, and she agreed it was the worst she'd ever smelled, but she was more intelligent than I and REFUSED to taste it.

You have lost a customer for both Van Camp's and Chicken Of The Sea. Because if you will try to pass this garbage off as anything but low-grade cat food, then not only your judgement, but your honesty is in question.

If I had not put the onion in it, I might have given it to my dog. After all, she was bad, today.

Now excuse me as I go try to find some actual FOOD for my dinner."


  1. Hurrah for your letter! Go get 'em, Sidd!

    I write when I am particularly pleased with a product too but I think we need to let the makers know when their products become substandard (like Foster Farms chicken).

    White alacore in water used to be their best tuna, IMO. Good thing we haven't eaten any in a couple years...
