Friday, February 12, 2010

I Added A Link....

At the top of the page. The 2010 Winter Olympics start today and this year's medals are stunning.


  1. Stunning indeed! I love them!

    I'm so looking forward to these games.

  2. This is terrible. Such a horrible thing to happen on opening day, I hope it's not a portent.

  3. One man won't be racing...a Georgian Luger died on course today. The MSM is wailing at present about all manner of Luge they know nothing about. Hint: you are hurtling down a ice chute at speeds up to can get killed. It's not ping-pong, on a sled or on skis.

    The Olympic officals are already investigating why sufficient protective barriers were not in place when the man crashed...and hit an unprotected support beam. At the moment, no one is more crushed by this than the Canadian organizers...their representative was in tears speaking at the press conference.

    You cannot make lethal risk totally safe.

  4. My deepest sympathies to the family of Nodar Kumaritashvili. My God. :(

  5. Georgia have just announced that they will stay and take part in the Games.

  6. There is video of the accident at this site.

    The link opens to the CTV site not to the video itself.

  7. I heard about this earlier, very very sad. My sympathies also with his family.

  8. I'm glad the Georgians decided to stay.

    I saw the video on the news. Once is enough; it's horribly graphic.

  9. I wonder why the posts weren't padded? Of course, at those speeds it probably wouldn't have made any difference?

    I just hope it was over with quick and he didn't suffer.

  10. It was very fast judging by the video florrie.

    The CEO of the Vancouver organising committee was just interviewed and he confirmed that he would be mentioning the accident in his opening remarks at ceremonies tonight.

    Just over 30 minutes before they start. The atheletes are coming in at the beginning not at the end like they usually do.

  11. They said his speed at the time of the crash was approximately 89 MPH.

    I too hope he did not suffer, and offer my prayers for his friends and family.

  12. Well I'm switching between the Canadian (CTV) and NBC coverage of the opening ceremonies and the NBC feed is about 10 seconds behind the CTV feed.

  13. The First Nations dancers are very colorful.

  14. We aren't getting anything here yet :-(

    Must be delayed for the Left Coast.

  15. The Georgia delegation just came in. They were eight; now they are seven. :(

  16. The Israelis are happy and waving to everyone!

  17. The best bit so far was kd lang singing Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. Damn, that woman can sing.

  18. Random thoughts in no particular order:

    The Italian Olympic Team has the best looking men RRRSSSSSSSSSSS!

    Sarah Mclaughlin was great, she looked fabulous with that huge necklace and long gown, playing the piano and singing like an angel

    Wayne Gretsky is going to catch pnuemonia after that ride in the back of the pick up truck

    The woman who sang the Olympic hymn was gorgeous, I couldn't take my eyes off her, she made that dress look devine

    The teams from Great Britain, Israel, USA and Canada rocked!

    kd lang was brilliant
