Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama adviser: Amnesty will ensure Democrat majority

Granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants would expand the "progressive" electorate and help ensure a "progressive" governing coalition for the long term, declared a recent adviser to President Obama whose union group is among the most frequent visitors to the White House.

"We reform the immigration laws, it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters," stated Eliseo Medina, international executive vice-president of Service Employees International Union, or SEIU....
Medina said that during the presidential election in November 2008, Latinos and immigrants "voted overwhelmingly for progressive candidates. Barack Obama got two out of every three voters that showed up."

"Can you imagine if we have, even the same ratio, two out of three? Can you imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues and will be voting? We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle."

So...the new hip term we're all supposed to use for "communist" is "progressive"?
Funny, if we are looking for adjectives ending in "ive" that describe past examples of communism, they wouldn't include "progressive". Destructive, oppressive...yep. A better descriptor would probably be "fatal", but that doesn't end with "ive" and it would also be hard to sell, huh?


  1. I think the appropriate response here would be something along the lines of "go ahead, make my day".

    Amnesty would be a shockingly inept political maneuver - even for this administration. ("Even for this administration" is seemingly something I've said for every administration in my lifetime).

  2. Yeah, funny how that is....everything that Democrats complained about Bush doing, Obama has done MORE of. He has out-Bushed Bush.
    I remember Daniel Hanan talking about this in the UK - the Labor tactic of getting more people working for the government in some made-up stupid nonproductive "job", thus building up the voting base for Labor. If another party gets in, one loses one's shiny new government job because, well, it always was a stupid non-producing waste of taxpayers money. How to buy votes in a very roundabout and expensive sort of way.

  3. Oh my Christ. Be warned. This is precisely what Labour did. Only they did it without any announcement like this because levels weren't illegal. They simply opened the flood gates and rolled out the welfare carpet. Labour MPs set out to model the whole of Britain on NYC as the pinnacle of a utopian society without any thought for the consequences and all as way to rub the Right's nose in it and garner a voter base. If I hear Ken Livingstone talk about London as the new New York one more time I'll pan his head in.

  4. "shockingly inept"

    Would seem to be par for the course so far in this administration. So I wouldn't be at all surprised to see an attempt made for this to happen. And Alison, Ken Livingstone, ugh. Even though I don't have to live with his policy's or governance the man drives me up the wall with his proclamations. And MW, was it here I saw that government wages are the highest they have ever been. Loopy it is I tell ya.

  5. Yes Luther, I do believe it IS here that govt wages are so high. If all the companies are owned by the govt, and people are forced to become dependents OF the govt and most everyone else is employed BY the govt....well now that's the formula for a dictatorship, ain't it?

    If I hear Ken Livingstone talk about London as the new New YorkOh my, does he really? What a very odd thing to say! And when will we retire that phrase anyways, it's getting very worn and tired "______ is the new _____".
    How about "saying something is the new (whatever) is the new way to be a complete idiot"?

  6. It's not odd if you're Ken. For him Englishness is an affront. Multi cultural melting pots are perfection. Hence he loves NYC. And loves endorsing the success of multiculturalism achieved in London. He's no longer Mayor but he still whines. The man never recovered from being hammered into the ground by Thatcher in the 80s. It made him mentally ill. But oh how much more vindictive a slighted little left wing man becomes if he has his balls crushed by a woman!

  7. "a slighted little left wing man becomes if he has his balls crushed by a woman!"

    I find it so ironic that those who most espouse multi-cult and feminist and other forms of personal and/or minority empowerment are often the most susceptible to being overly sensitive when they see/feel the fruit of their endeavors in action.

  8. Ooh that's inspired a post. Well not a post.. but some reflection

  9. Yes, it was a very long sentence. :)

  10. Thanks for blogrolling us, alison! I like your place!

    Luther, your comment is quite brilliant.

  11. alison, hi there and thanks for stopping by - I left a comment chez vous.

  12. "your comment is quite brilliant"

    I'm afraid you have me confused with someone else. :)
