Sunday, February 14, 2010

Medal Table

Is it too big? Should we keep it or not?


  1. When I first put it up it appeared at the top of the page, now I figured out how to move it to the side bar. I also moved the official site link to the sidebar. I think they both look better over there. Now I'm going to see if I can get the Stars and Stripes and the Maple Leaf back to the top of the sidebar...

  2. Now I have removed the Official Site link because if you click on the Vancouver banner on the medal table it takes you to the same site.

    Yes, I am having fun playing in the kitchen sand box.

    Thanks for asking...

  3. USA Women's hockey team pummeling the Chinese
    5 - 0 after the first period.

  4. Canada wins the gold! Canada wins the gold! WOW!

  5. Yes! lady red. I am going to do a post about the guy he beat...

    Go Canada Go!

  6. The favourite to win the men's mogul freestyle was Dale Begg-Smith. A Canadian born skier who left Canada when he was 15 and skis for Australia. He won Gold for Australia in Turin in 2006.

    He is reclusive and unemotional. He didn't crack a smile or raise an arm when he won Olympic gold in 2006.

    He supposedly left Canada when the Canadian ski authorities thought he should spend more time skiing than on the internet. He is now worth billions from his internet business. A business that allegedly re-directs pop up adds to Malware, Spyware, pR0n sites.

    Sweet justice, a Canadian athelete beat him and won gold.

    Anyone could have beaten Begg-Smith and I would be happy. But I'm twice as happy that a Canadien did it!

  7. I like the medal count thingy Fay, and the link too :O) Very cool! Good work!

  8. Fay....okay, here's a question: What ws it with all the yammering about Canada desparately needing a own country gold medal?

    Gold is gold, where ever earned and it's not like Canada never wins any. Has this been mostly an American media whoop dee do, or did/do Canadians really worry about it?

    I'm kida of idealistic about the Olympics, so it befuddles me.

  9. It was huge here aridog. The Canadian media had it hyped up the ying yang. All the athelete "profiles" of anyone who is remotely expected to win a medal basically all say the same s/he the one???

    I am sooo happy that it happened early in the games as it takes some of the tremendous pressure off the rest of our atheletes.

  10. The Austrians' obsession for winning at home (or anywhere actually) in winter sports is more understandable...what else do they do on a national stage? Plus, they essentially pioneered modern ski technique. The Swiss are their arch rivals in winter sport becsue the Swiss are very good at what Austrians do best...e.g., it is hard when the only thing you really do best is some one else's victory...ala this year in World Cup where the Swiss men are cleaning up, and a Swiss (Cuche) is likely to win the premier olympic Alpine event, the Downhill.

    I don't see Canadians that way, singularly obsessed for cause, other than in the sport of Ice Hockey where the real rivalry is US & Canada, with Sweden thrown in for good measure.

  11. I vote to keep the table.

    I also vote to arrest abd then disembowel (after reading him his Miranda rights but before booking) this Begg-Smith character who allegedly distributes malware.

  12. Keep the is the easiest to get to, directly, of all on the me.

    NBC has conspired to blank out live coverage of many events in the USA, so they can announce the winners at 6:00 PM, then show snippets in prime time interspersed with bong-board racing featuring knuckle draggers (which they covered live today in the afternoon, rather than the Alpine Downhill...never mind that 25% of the top seeded racers are either Canadian or American) and figure skating....which will be won by the Chinese barring a misque.

  13. We are very lucky here because we have three Canadian channels showing live coverage of events plus the East coast NBC feed. I noticed from the beginning that NBC were not showing a lot of stuff live.

    Anyway, there is tons of live coverage of the interwebs.Glad everyone likes the table. Can any of you see the total column? It's not showing for either Matt or me...

  14. Fay...there may be live feed internet coverage in Canada on Canadian original sites, and maybe in the rest of the world other than the USA, but there is none in Detroit, at least over Comcast cable...the fastest service here. The live feeds you see are the exact same ones I see 351 days of the year, just routed through et al., but blocked here....screen shows "problem connecting" message....never anything else. Basic websites open, just no live feed. NBC is behind the feed blackout as certainly as grass is green and money spends.

  15. Whoa...just figured out why (maybe) they have "weather issues" at Whistler. The race starts at the same altitude as Denver, CO, and ends at around 2500 feet. Can't imagine that's very consistant for a west coast rocky mountian area weatherwise....not exactly "Alpine" altitude.

  16. Sorry to hear that you can't get the live feed aridog.

    But it gives me a perverse sense of glee at the thought of Canadians having access to something that Americans don't.

    Te he.

  17. Enjoy your perverse glee...Canadians have always had better sports access for many global events. EVen CBC, available here as a "local station", had live coverage of things never covered live here...once it went to bye.

    Some much for NAFTA, eh? :-))

  18. Another alpine event postponed today. The weather out there is not exactly conducive to encouraging skiers to visit Whistler. Mid-February and it rains?

    Is that normal or is this a fluke?

  19. Woo hoo, another Gold for Canada!
