Friday, February 12, 2010

A Literature Map...

After mentioning Robert Anton Wilson in the comments below I remembered this clever little site, Literature-Map. Type in the name of a favorite author/writer and see similar associations of writers and/or thinkers, based on style, substance, or whatnot. As truly, some of the associations seem somewhat arbitrary. As example... when I typed in Robert Anton Wilson up popped Stephen Hawking next to Carlos Castaneda, I will have to ponder that one for a while. But regardless, if one were looking for something or someone new to read this could perhaps be a useful tool for some.

1 comment:

  1. How, in the name of all that's Holy, could any self-respecting 'map' put Micheal Moore and Noam Chomskey on the same page as Alfred Einstein and Stephen Hawking, not too mention John Brunner, Stephen R. Donaldson, Michael Moorcook and Stanislaw Lem.

    Oh, wait. NOW I get it. It's the same way a map of LA includes Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills and Watts on the same page!
