Friday, February 12, 2010

Gone Fishin'

Asian carp  have infested the waterways of the Mississippi River basin, and the Obama Administration, along with environmentalists, have been struggling for cost-effective ways to keep the trash fish out of the ecosystem of the Great Lakes.  One expensive solution, to completely sever ties between the river basin and the lakes, has been rejected in favor of yet more lengthy studies and short-term stopgaps.

Obama said he would listen to common sense solutions to America's problems as long as they are made in good faith.  I have a solution to the carp problem.

Put a bounty on 'em.  Yep, that's right!  Put a bounty on 'em.

Invite the laid-off workers of American to go fishing.  Pay them a dollar a pound for the damn carp, and turn them loose.  As a partner,  bring in a cat food company or a fertilizer company, who would weigh the icky things and issue a voucher to the individual fishermen.  The fishermen would then submit the voucher to the gov't for payment.  Uncle Sam would deduct any taxes owed, and pay the hard-working angler.

Who's better at hunting/fishing a species to extinction than us?  Out-of-work Americans would be earning an honest dollar, and feeding their families while contributing to the common good.  They'd be paying taxes on their earnings.

As an added bonus, we'd be keeping money out of the hands of scientific/ bureaucratic nincompoops who make a living by studying a problem as a vocation instead of actually solving something and putting a period on it.

It's a simple, common sense solution.


  1. You can't use the words "common sense solution" and government in the same sentence, lady red.


    Did I ever tell you about the rainbow trout/golden trout fiasco that happened while my Pop was a ranger? Ridicu-freaking-lous.

  2. "Did I ever tell you about the rainbow trout/golden trout fiasco that happened while my Pop was a ranger? Ridicu-freaking-lous."

    No! Do tell!

  3. Hahaha... so true, AFW, about that sentence. But nonetheless that is a good idea Lady Red. Loved this sentence:

    "Who's better at hunting/fishing a species to extinction than us?"

    We do it and we do it well, too!

  4. Solution to the Carp issue...close the freakin' locks now, then study it. Truckers will love you, but some in my old employer might be uset (they'll live).....since there really isn't much reason fo them in Chi-town other than the canals...Rock Island office handles the Big Muddy.

    Yeah, AFW, tell about he Rainbow/Godlen trout fiasco. Is it like the "man caused disaster" of Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake in the park? Some idiot apparently dumped a bunch of fingerlings in Yellowstone Lake, threatening the native "Cut Throat Trout" population.

  5. Aridog, I agree wholeheartedly that we should close the locks NOW. If the carp get into the Lakes...I don't even want to think about it...

  6. Speaking of alien invasions, my pc was crippled by a virus named "antivirus soft," one of those fake antivirus programs. It disabled control panel, gave an annoying buzz every 30 seconds, and sent out a popup about every 10 seconds, half of which you had to click no on to get rid of. It also prevented the real antivirus software I downloaded from installing.

    Staples suggested I wipe my hard drive and that they would do so for about $150.

    A business partner told me that Microsoft had a website called defender where they would directly disinfect your computer. I tried it and the virus prevented MS from operating in my PC.

    I then called MS (they have a number at MS Defender). They say you have to first run a scan, but I of course could not do that. A guy named Sam accepted my explanation and then with my permission remotely took over my computer. It took him about an hour to laboriously pick through my hard drive and rip out each virus file. He said it was a brand new and extremely vexing virus.

    I was extremely impressed with MS's efforts. It had to have cost them way more than the profits they have made from me over the past half decade. MS is apparently taking the threat of malware quite seriously and is prepared to put in whatever resources are necessary. Over the last 15 years, I cannot recall saying a single kind word about MS; but I am grateful for their efforts here.

  7. My goodness, levi. What an ordeal! I'm heartened that MS took the time to help you and get your 'puter up and running.

  8. Excellent suggestion, lady red. I hope you emailed him. Seriously.

    "As an added bonus, we'd be keeping money out of the hands of scientific/ bureaucratic nincompoops who make a living by studying a problem as a vocation instead of actually solving something and putting a period on it."

    Now this is one of my pet peeves, consultants. They bring out my more profane tendencies.

    Also bureaucrats. A good example is yesterday when we went in to submit our passport applications.

  9. Yes, I'm glad you told that story, levi. I'm tired MS being trashed. We have Windows Defender and 4 other virus/ad/spyware programs - all free. We've never had any other problems except when I muck up something or another :-)

    I think we here in W. WA are particularly proud of MS. No, they aren't perfect but neither is any other company but you can't deny their tech contributions that have changed the world and our lives.

    Not to mention that Bill and Melinda gates are the the #1 philantropists in the world.

  10. I can't frickin' spell.


  11. I'm telling ya, florrie, this little program works real well. Right click in the comment box and voila... undo/copy/paste/delete/spell-check/dictionary/Wikipedia/select all. It's easy and quick to install in windows.

  12. Not that I care if you spell right anyway. I still enjoy reading what you have to say. :)

  13. Aww, that's nice of you, Luther :-)

    I'm lazy.

    But I'll give it a whirl...

  14. "we went in to submit our passport application"

    Ooo passports, where ya goin' florrie?

  15. Nowhere in particular, Fay, although we hope to get to Ireland (and Israel!) in the next few years. Both our passports have been expired for quite a while so I finally got with it and we sent them off.

  16. Top 5 places on my list:

    New Zealand

    How about you, Fay? Of course, you just got *back* from the UK but where else would you & Matt like to visit?

  17. Places I will never go:

    Lots of scary ME countries

  18. Israel is top of my list florrie and we had hoped to go this year but our finances won't stretch that far yet. Hopefully we will make it next year. It's my sister's 60th this year so we may take a trip to the UK for that.

    There are lots of places in the US I would like to go to including Hawaii, New York, New Mexico and Texas. And I would love to go to Greece again.

    I understand your list of where you won't go, but I don't understand why Spain is on it? I love Spain.

  19. Bullfighting.

    I didn't know you had a sister, Fay! Must be tough living so far away from each other, I hope you can go to her celebration.

    This year I am going to try to plan a BIG family party, something really unique. Between July 20th and August 1st, I have a sister turning 50, brother will be 55, and oldest sis will be 60.

  20. Oh I see.

    You didn't know I had a sister? You met my nephew! And you've seen pictures of his boys (remember sweet baby James and his brother?)

    Party sounds great, I'm jealous of people who have lots of siblings.

  21. I know! Sweet Baby James grandma! For some reason I was thinking it was your brother's grandchild...

  22. Don't have a brother, just my sister. Her name is Gerry so maybe you thought she was a brother!

  23. Levi....your PC infection sounds a whole lot like a revised version of "Windows Anti-Virus Pro" whihc is a Trojan. It got me on two computers in two different forms. A softwre package called "Malwarebytes" seems to block it. You can acquire it from
    It is free for manual use, and $25 one time for automated application....on multiple computers...e.g., you get a license key number.

    The reason it got us twice is becasue once my computer was fixed ($142.50 service call from the local Vikram)I delayed in installing it on Judi's PC...which I heard about you betcha...and paid another $142.50, of course. The wipe the hard drive thing is not the answer. You got a damn fine deal from Microsoft I'd say...

  24. I understand, from reading earlier news stories about this problem, that China loves Asian carp as a food fish.

    So, perhaps it is time to close the locks and open a fishery with no limit?

    Maybe change the balance of payments with fish 'scales'?
