Sunday, January 17, 2010

Universal Voter Registration?

Sounds like a good thing?

Read this;


  1. Of course, this is from World Net Daily, and will be pooh-pooh'ed by some, but the story is plausible, and actually frightening in its implications.

    Especially when combined with the complete refusal of the same groups to allow for any form of real identification of voters.

  2. When you combine this with the upcoming census, the implications are sobering.

    My husband and I were discussing the 2010 census last night. We both think that this census will be so corrupted by fraud that it will ultimately be thrown out in its entirety.

    In the meantime, the "Universal Voter Registration" could be taken from the bogus census, creating all kinds of fresh hell.

  3. As you can see, I did figure out how to post a thread.

    Is anyone else not seeing the recent comments on the sidebar?

    Oh, and good work on getting the icons there, by the way.

  4. Sidd, I think there is a lengthy delay in the "recent comments". I don't know why. I have moderation turned off, so it's not that.

  5. I know someone who works for the Department of Licensing in Washington State. When you get a license or ID card, you can also register to vote. The DOL people are expressly prohibited from asking for any kind of proof of citizenship.

    If the Republicans ever get in power, I would sure like to see those things rescinded. No other nation in the world would tolerate that kind of thing.

    By the way, Lady Red, good for the banners on the page.

  6. There is some hyperbole in that article but the basic point is valid.

    ""This claim is supported by almost no evidence other than an academic survey that used very questionable methodologies, and did not determine whether individuals who reported not voting due to 'registration' problems ever attempted to register or were even eligible to register or vote.""

    'They' essentially want to franchise those who could give a damn less about voting. Knowing that this is exactly the class that would be most if not completely likely to vote Democratic. It is all a sham by the Dem's to retain and hold on to power. A dangerous movement indeed.

  7. How did people ever manage to vote back when people had to go down and register.

    If someone can't be bothered to figure out how to register, then how much effort are they going to put into learning the issues before they vote? It will all boil down to "What are these people going to give me if I help elect them?"

    Thanks, but Fay won't allow cigar smoking in the house
