Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thanks But No Thanks

Crab flavoured ice cream, anyone?


  1. "There are several vile-sounding flavours among the 860 as well: eggs, macaroni cheese and sardines-in-brandy being a few of the more bizarre examples."

    Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

  2. Oh my. I'm suddenly feeling a little green....

  3. Actually I once tried to make avocado ice cream in a hand cranked churn. It was a disaster.

    I agree Fay...

    "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."

  4. Lady Green, er, Red, this is for you:

    (Sorry, you might have to cut and paste that. i don't yet know how to make it a link.)

  5. RadioMattM, I'm LMAO!!! That was great! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey, I figured out how to post a hyperlink in the comments!

  8. You use the same code as you do when you write a post (I can't write it here 'cos it shows up as a link, LOL) i.e. the one with the href in it. You paste the link between the "" and the text between the ><, just like in your email to me.Try it!

  9. It worked! Woo-hoo! Great job Fay! :)

  10. Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks...

  11. Fay, LOL! Have you noticed that all of us are of a "certain age"? So far anyway....

    I can only imagine the ads we'd get if we signed up for Adsense. Hmmm, let's see...Depends, Geritol, and wrinkle cream? Hee hee!

  12. This thread is making me sick. Fishy and avocadoey ice cream, urp.

    I've got to get a walk in before it gets dark and then I hope to figure out these links and all :-)

    Yay Brett!

  13. "I can only imagine the ads we'd get if we signed up for Adsense."

    Heck, you might as well - turn this into a profit-making venture. I'd even click on some, just to send a few cents your way.

  14. Profit? We have to pay for this mountain-grown coffee somehow!

  15. And the Tetley, for goodness sake! Fay's a-slurpin' faster than the kettle can whistle! :))

  16. Ain't that the truth, LR. Although it's more like a good Shiraz at this time of night.

  17. Luther, looks like you passed the test!

    Good morning all.

  18. Hi Fay and good morning to you as well.

    Yep, I'm glad you posted that little tip, thank you, I had been trying and had failed so far. And as I'm sure you have noticed the HTML is different for a link between the 'compose' and 'HTML' window. Also I tried using 'target... blank' to open links in a new window but can't get that to work.

  19. Yes, I did notice the difference between the two windows, I'm not sure what purpose the second window serves.

    I also experimented with the code to open links in a new page and got a message saying that the code wasn't allowed. Seems weird to me. I'm not sure if it's a common to all blogspot blogs or if there is a way to enable it.

  20. "I'm not sure what purpose the second window serves."

    Me either, but it is surely more complicated than the other. Mind that I know nothing about HTML.

    "I'm not sure if it's a common to all blogspot blogs or if there is a way to enable it."

    Yes, I received the same error code. I searched high and low but could find no work arounds. Please share if you should find something.
