Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going Bananas!

Every thing you ever wanted to know about bananas and more.

The reader recipes look divine.


  1. I make Banana Bread quite often using Martha Stewart's recipe which has sour cream as an ingredient.

    It's very yummy.

    Try some!

  2. I have never been happy with any of the banana bread recipes I've tried. They are either too dry, too mushy in the middle, too blah, etc. I will look up the recipe from Martha Stewart.

    My mom sent me a subscription to her magazine. I find that at least half of the recipes I try haven't been tested by her staff or there were mistakes. I made 3 Christmas cookie recipes from her site, 1 was good, 1 so-so and the other one was awful.

    Anyway, I'll take your word for it, Fay, I know you are an excellent cook, I've never gone wrong with your recipes (well, except when I've tried to combine them, like the 2 pork tenderloin recipes, tee hee). This site looks like fun, I'll check it out when I finish up my evening to-dos.

  3. Oh, just noticed you linked to her recipe, thanks!

  4. We use frozen bananas in our protein/fiber shakes. Gives the ice cold consistency of an ice cream based shake without the ice cream.

  5. "Gives the ice cold consistency of an ice cream based shake without the ice cream."

    And your point is?

  6. I have no recommendations on recipes but I do love me some good banana bread.

    I did just finish reading the Banana book though. I'll just say that you better enjoy bananas now while you have them, they may not be available for much longer.

  7. Someone needs to get a message to Lyana. You do know she is mortally afraid of bananas, right? Some horrible childhood mishap ;O)

  8. Great idea for the smoothies, lewy, I never thought of that.

  9. I thought of Lyana, too :-) I have a screaming banana emoticon just for her. Has anyone emailed her yet?

  10. I don't know the Lyana banana story...

    Somebody help me ...

  11. I think someone teased her into eating bananas when she was very young, Fay, by saying something like "they'll bite you if you don't eat them."

    Hopefully, Lyana will drop by and set the story straight :-)

  12. Her mother would make her eat bananas, and then when she would bite into it, mom would do a ventriloquist routine where she made the banana shriek and scream "aaahhh! help! you're killing meeeee!"

    Stuff like that.
    Lyana don't like bananas.

  13. That's hilarious mw, although I can see how it would upset a child, LOL!

  14. hehe :O) Yeah Fay, I wish we knew more about Lyana's ma, cuz she sounds like a crackup!

    Maybe we should do that with candy? The kid bites into the junk food and we (hiding) squeal "Oh noooo! I'm being eaten by a giant and it really hurts!"

  15. Well, I wanted to post the dancing purple banana but it won't accept my HTML :-(

  16. Hmmmmm... no wonder my ears are burning! :-) lady red, this is a lovely little place - Fay, thanks so much for the invite!

    Yes, my mom is a hoot. The banana story is as follows (and is just one of many):

    When I was about 7 or 8, I was reluctant to eat bananas. On one occasion, mom attempted to coax me into eating a banana by making it "talk" to me (complete with gesturing peels), telling me that it wanted me to eat it. When I finally gave in and went to take a bite, it screamed.

    Now, to be honest, it didn't really give me issues with bananas - but it makes a much better story if it ends with life-long psychosis from said event! :-)

    And I have a killer recipe for chocolate chip banana bread (more like banana cake). I'll look it up and post it in a minute.


  17. LMAO Lyana, that is hilarious. And welcome, welcome, welcome, I am so glad you are here.

    If you don't want to be "anonymous" when you post, either sign into google (so you don't have to fill in your name every time) or pick "Name/URL from the drop down bos and fill in your name, you don't need a URL

  18. Thank you, Fay! I've missed you all.

    OK, here's the recipe:

    Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

    3 ripe bananas, mashed (I use thawed frozen bananas)
    2 eggs
    1 c. sugar
    1/2 c. butter, softened
    1 1/4 c. flour
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips

    Pre-heat oven to 350. Grease and flour 1 med, 1 small loaf pan (or 1 large).
    Cream butter and sugar; mix in eggs. Combine flour, salt and baking soda separately; add to creamed mixture.
    Mix in bananas (thawed bananas don't need to be mashed). Mix in chocolate chips.
    Pour into pans and bake for 50 to 55 minutes or until toothpick comes our clean (45 to 50 minutes if using bananas not previously frozen). Allow to cool in pan on rack for 5-10 minutes before attempting to remove.

    *I generally double the recipe because that makes 3 of the pyrex loaf pan sized loaves.

  19. Recipe sounds great Lyana.

    If I make it, will it yell at me for biting its head off???

  20. Oh Lyana, I forgot to mention, if you would like to be a "contributor" let me know (here) and I'll email you the details.

  21. I'm glad you're here too, Lyana! I am now going to copy and print that recipe, sounds like a nice alternative to regular BB.

    Now picture in your mind the dancing purple banana...

  22. Lyana is here! Welcome, dear Lyana! Hurrah!
