Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Lovely Eyes"

I can't say it better than David Thompson. A gentleman who is a master at deciphering the madness that comes from the Guardian newspaper, et al. Though as noted in the picture enjoys a healthy diversion from the purely political. He would make a nice international addition to the side bar, I think.


  1. As well, I wonder if we might have some additional categories added to the side bar? For the occasional non-political but amusing link.

  2. Do you have any suggestions Luther?

  3. OMG, I was eating a nice piece of smelly cheese and clicked on only to find this image.


  4. Yes, Fay, Miscellaneous for one. :)

    Perhaps we could all suggest one or two.

    I'll take a couple of easy ones. History, or perhaps more broadly, Beginnings.

    I'd not be in favor of just throwing a bunch of links up, whether alphabetized or not. But something that showed thought and nuance, that actually attracted people to click on the links for a particular journey into their interests.

    Talking out my ass here, to a degree. But there it is.

  5. Ah Florrie, sorry to disrupt your appreciation of that smelly cheese.

    But life is like that, you know. :)

  6. It's repulsive but strangely beautiful at the same time.

    Spiders & earwigs. I don't like 'em.

  7. Luther, there's also the "tags" feature fwiw.

    Someday we'll have a three column layout I'm sure.

    nice lashes on those eyes... I wonder how she gets them so attractively curly? flo: maybe you could do a photoshop of the spider using an eyelash curler...

  8. I dunno, lewy, I'm still horrifically mesmerized by that picture (and the others in the article).

    I think I'll be feeling imaginary creepy crawlies tonight...

  9. "there's also the "tags" feature fwiw. "

    Don't know what that is. I will look.

  10. "I think I'll be feeling imaginary creepy crawlies tonight..."

    Sorry, Florrie.

  11. Don't apologize!

    Remember the Jerry Reed song?

  12. Who is Jerry Reed? Lou Reed's older brother?

  13. Luther, apologies - they're called "labels", and not "tags", in blogger.

    If you go to enter a new posting, you'll see the "labels" box below the main text entry box.

    I added some (mostly facetious) labels to my "vikram" posts.

  14. "Who is Jerry Reed? Lou Reed's older brother?"

    Hardy, har har. No, youngster, he's not. I was thinking of the song Spiders & Snakes but it was Jim Stafford not Jerry Reed. Here's one for you, lewy.

  15. I'd never heard of Jerry Reed. Now the guitar is awesome, but the lyrics... um... I'd say they make Venus in Furs sound pretty normal!

  16. He was popular in the 70's, lewy, and did funny, spoofy songs.

  17. Luther, I've been pondering your suggestion. What do you think about a list of links in the sidebar called "Kitchen Spices"? We could stock it with sites such as the one you linked in this thread. Fun, artsy, historical....anything but politics!

    I like the idea!

  18. I do have a question regarding comments. I have been using Safari. If I have not posted a comment for a while (say, for hours), the comment does not take the first time. I have to click "Post Comment" a second time, which usually works. After that, other comments go the first time.

  19. Jerry Reed also played the bad coach in Adam Sandler's "The Water Boy," and was in the "Smokey and the Bear" films.

    Plus he wrote the flip side of Brenda Lee's "I'M Sorry," a song called "That's All You Gotta Do." That was one of my oldest brother's favorite songs. When I found about that little tidbit, I listened to the song and thought, "Yeah, I can believe it." It had that Jerry Reed sound to it.

  20. I've spent the morning listening to Jerry Reed clips on YouTube. He was a fantastic guitarist! I love the style of music he played.

    When I was a kid, a common pasttime was "jam sessions". Someone would sit out on their porch/gallery with an instrument, and within an hour there would be a crowd, singing and playing and having a great time. We'd play a lot of Jerry's genre of music...southern, hillbilly, country, bluegrass, blues, Scots-Irish ballads, all thrown in a big salad bowl and tossed to perfection. The resulting music was incredible.

    We'd play "Foggy Mountain Breakdown", and by the time everyone would have their break, it would be thirty or forty minutes later! We played tunes like "Turkey In The Straw" and "Downhill Drag", and there were people who knew all the words to the old ballads like "Barbara Allen".

    Simpler times. Heavy sigh....

  21. I added "Kitchen Spices" to the sidebar for links to interesting, non-political blogs. Yes or no? Vote here, and vote often!

    Is the sidebar becoming too cluttered? I'll be glad when we can move to a three-column format.

  22. I also condensed our blog archive to a drop-down menu. It's a nice space-aaver. :)

  23. Oops, that should be "space-saver" of course.

    Is there a way to edit comments, or would I have to throw the whole thing in the trash? Inquiring minds want to know....

  24. I like the kitchen spices idea and I love the picture.

    A suggestion for another space saver would be to have "Contributors" in a drop down menu if that can be done.

  25. Hmmm, I just checked, and there's no way (without tinkering with code) to put "Contributors" in drop-down format.

  26. Thanks, Lady Red. Creative thinking on your part, I like it! And yes, I was essentially just looking for a space to relieve ourselves from politics on occasion.

    Matt - I have the same issue with IE8. I think it might be a blogger hang-up. It happens in preview as well. It always works the second try though.

  27. Luther, it was a great idea on your part! I love that so many of the posts on TCKT are non-political. It gives us a chance to unwind and BREATHE. You and Fay have been especially creative! :)

  28. Thanks, Lady Red, for setting up the place to begin with. It's fun to see what appeals to folks and what doesn't.

  29. Thanks lady red, I'm trying!

    I just added a stinky cheese link to the kitchen spices.

  30. lady red, I like the acronym, too. "tckt" works great as a namespace prefix in javascript.

    Plus there's lot's of marketing potential with short, snarky slogans:

    - "Get TCKT!"
    - "If you're not TCKT, you haven't been paying attention!"


  31. lewy: I suggested we use MOK's and WOK's for Men of the Kitchen, Women of the Kitchen...

    Collectively we could be P(eople)OK's! or R(eaders)OK's!

  32. And EWOK's for Elderly Women of the Kitchen!

    Uh, assuming we go out and round up some elderly women and herd them into the kitchen :OP

  33. Hey, do you want a cluster map?
    They're pretty cool. I've used one on a forum before, and it is kinda neat to see the little dots from around the world.

  34. "And EWOK's for Elderly Women of the Kitchen!"

    Surely you mean Elegant Women of the Kitchen, oui?

  35. Heh - "Surely you mean Elegant Women of the Kitchen, oui?"

    Much more how I think of the 'WoK's. :)

    And as well as cluster map, which is cool, how about 'sitemeter' basic? It's free.

  36. Okay, can't hold back another suggestion. In the panel with the US and Canadian flag... how about British, Israeli and Australia flags as well. I don't know of a graphic with those but I'll look around. Oh, not saying that's a limit, perhaps just a start of freedom loving countries that might be displayed. I like flags.

  37. Okay Luther...scroll down...say hello to sitemeter! Thanks for the link. It was really easy to install! I grabbed the site count off of my google analytics counter to get us started. :)

  38. Hey Luther, the US/Canadian flag originated because lady red very graciously wanted to include the Canadian contigent over here (me and Matt!)

    I have seen a flag that you mention with the other countries, just can't remember where right now.

  39. lady red, did you see the stinky cheese link I added???

  40. This is lots of fun! Click on the "sitemeter" icon at the bottom of the page, everyone. Woo-hoo!

  41. Yes Fay, I did! Excellent! I was trying to remember the name of the site with the old letters...I'd love to add it to "Kitchen Spices".

  42. Yes, Fay. I surmised the reason for the flags as displayed. And good for Lady Red in placing them up first. I agree. Our closest and most loved neighbors do deserve a spot of honor. Hope you can find the graphic you remember seeing. It would be cool.

    Lady Red!!!! Thank you. Glad it was an easy install. The 'unknowns' outnumber the 'knowns' for now but that will change. I like seeing the various locations. Like the cluster map in that way.

    I looked at the 'stinky cheese' link also. Made me very hungry for cheese. Good cheese. YUM!

  43. Surely you mean Elegant Women of the Kitchen, oui?
    Mais oui!
    And also (not to be prejudiced against those with physical impairments) maybe a few Epileptic Women of the Kitchen!

  44. Fay, that's it! Thank you! I'm adding it now..

  45. Who's here from Tuscon Arizona? And how come they don't show anyone from CANADA???

  46. I know who Tucson is (I'll let him tell you if he wants to share). Fay, are you "unknown"?

  47. I nominate Lady Red as Maitre d' of the blogosphere.

  48. "I know who Tucson is (I'll let him tell you if he wants to share). Fay, are you "unknown"?"

    I think I know too..

    Me, unknown, never! Mysterious maybe...

  49. "I nominate Lady Red as Maitre d' of the blogosphere."

    Does that mean she brings us all wine? If so, then seconded.

  50. Fay, you and Matt don't even have a dot on the world map! VERY mysterious!

  51. Maitre d'! Is that a promotion from mopping floors? :-))

  52. Well, I would nominate Fay as the Wine Steward, but I think she is already the Executive Chef.

  53. "Maitre d'! Is that a promotion from mopping floors? :-))"

    Was that for Florrie and her extra duties. :)

    Yes, Tucson here. The center of the universe in many folks minds. Paul McCartney's for one example. :)

    I don't know why this just popped into my head... but I have a nice backyard and a centralized location for a 'meet' should that ever draw interest. My wife (extreme liberal) and I would love seeing all of you in person.

    Oh, okay, perhaps the wife would be taken aback a tad. :)

  54. May I ask how a thread about bug eyes turns to talks about food and restaurants?

    Must be us, I guess.

  55. Considering there's almost a foot of snow on the ground (and it's STILL coming down!) a Tucson meet-up sounds heavenly! Can Fay cook bug eyes on your grill, or would that be a little much for Mrs. Luther? :P

  56. Humffff... I do the grill Lady Red. Bug eyes most welcome. Though partakers would be few I suspect. Well, unless softened up by lots of wine and cheese.

    Though perfect here just now, would love to have a foot of snow on the ground. The world so much more inviting then.

  57. "And EWOK's for Elderly Women of the Kitchen!"


    monkeyweather, you are too much :-)

  58. Sitemeter and sidebar additions are just great, good job!!
