Sunday, January 24, 2010

70 year gag order to protect murderers of UK weapons inspector

Evidence relating to the death of Government weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly is to be kept secret for 70 years, it has been reported.

I remember reading about his death. Incredibly fishy. Like, the man was obviously murdered. Only a complete idiot would think otherwise, and contrary to governmental opinion - many people are not complete idiots.

So now a 70 year gag order on it? Must be his killers are Very Important People.
Haven't lined up the suspects in my head, but I bet others have.
Dr Kelly's body was found in woods close to his Oxfordshire home in 2003, shortly after it was revealed that he was the source of a BBC report casting doubt on the Government's claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction capable of being fired within 45 minutes.


  1. And, of course, there is no avenue to challenge this edict.

  2. Wow! That stinks to high heaven. I don't believe there is any reason to seal records for ANY government inquiries. I know UK has also sealed records regarding QE I and the Windsors.

    Really piques my interest why they would do this. Hmm, and like Matt said, there is no recourse.

  3. IIRC, Dr. Kelly even said it was likely he would be killed.
    Piques my interest too, floranista. It was obviously important that we invade Iraq, but not for the reasons stated to the public. I've long felt sorry for the Iraqis and was glad to see the yoke of Hussein removed, and thought our soldiers did an incredible job there, but as for primary motives for our presence there? We've never been told what those motives are, and this man's murder points to less-than-admirable forces behind the decision to invade Iraq.
