Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday Matinee

For your viewing enjoyment, a training film from World War II. This film was made by the First Motion Picture Unit of the Air Forces. It uses all of the skills that Hollywood had to offer.

It's a pretty good film -- along the lines of a phycological drama.


  1. Very interesting. Well-produced, and I recognized a number of the actors.

    Especially the debriefer at the end, who kept repeating 'Don't talk!'

  2. That was Lloyd Nolan. Mel Torme was in there, as was Craig Stevens (Peter Gunn) and several other somewhat familiar names.

    I thought is was an enjoyable film (for those who are into war films) and could have made it as a feature.

  3. I kept thinking 'Ryan' rather than Nolan, but I knew that was not right.

  4. And, Matt - I know I have not said this on the right thread, but congratulations on starting your new career. I hope it is long and fruitful and happy for you.

  5. Thank you very much, Mr. Typos, Sir.

  6. Very cool Matt! What a great find! I watched a chunk of it; I'll try to watch the rest tomorrow evening. :)

  7. I had seen clips of this film, but I never had a chance to see the entire film before.

    Maybe I see a somewhat-weekly feature here.
