Sunday, December 5, 2021

Be Careful What You Wish For

I have heard many people say that they wished that there were term limits for Senators and Members of Congress. The general range discussed usually is about ten to twelve years. I thought such term limits would be a good idea.

I have been thinking about it, though. I remembered reports from during the Reagan administration. Those reports stated that some permanent staff at the State Department resented having to act upon the policies of an elected President. Instead, they went about doing whatever it was they wanted to do. As for the President, well who needed to worry about him? He was only one or two elections away from leaving office and maybe someone more acceptable would be President after that.

Things have only gotten worse since then. Several agencies of the United States Government acted in what could be considered a seditious manner, actively working to promote false information to help hinder President Trump if not have him removed from office altogether.

Putting short term limits on Federal elected officials might just make the situation worse. While many Representatives and Senators are long past their Best By date, to restrict them serving ten to twelve years might do more harm than good. While many elected officials actively line their own pockets to the detriment of the American people and do what they can to get solidify their grip on power, removing politicians before they gain some modicum of power might just transfer that power to the permanent infestation in the State Department.

Instead of enacting term limits of six to twelve years, perhaps limits of twenty years might provide a happy compromise that protects us from career politicians while still providing us with a means of keeping the Deep State in check -- perhaps in a way that keep politicians from joining the Deep State.

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