Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year Comrades

Matt and I are messing around with the blog layout and trying to clean things up a bit.  We have deleted some long dead links and added some new shiny ones.  Much has been done arbitrarily but we will be emailing most of you for consensus on some other changes.  Sorry to jump in with both feet without warning you first.  Our new year's resolution is: Action over procrastination.

If we have removed something you can't live without, please let us know and we will endeavor to return it.

Meanwhile please feel free to be offended by the hilarious Billy Connolly who lets us know, in no uncertain measure, his views on beigeism.  And for the sensitive souls amongst us please know that Billy's language is far from beige.


  1. Hahaha! Nee-Nah Nee Nah! He's funny. :))

    Thanks for sweeping out ye olde blog. It needn't it! What a dust cloud! Everything looks good.

  2. Crude as heck, but completely true, and also as funny as heck

  3. Is he saying "beigeism"?

    "I'm sure they kill many more people going forward."


    I had to watch this after reading about that eejit Streep. I love, love, LOVED it! I have been gaga about Billy since I first saw Mrs. Brown. *swoon* And I couldn't agree more with his sentiments. The unhinged progressives are ALWAYS coming up with new phrases for their crap issues.

    Anyhoo, thanks for the laughs, Fay :-)

    1. "Is he saying "beigeism"?"

      He is indeed florrie.

      As I said:

      Billy Connolly who lets us know, in no uncertain measure, his views on beigeism.

  4. oops, sorry, Fay, I went straight for the video...
