Friday, January 12, 2018

Haiti IS a Shithole

So, while the media is having an apoplectic fit over the "Haiti is a shithole" comment *allegedly* said by President Trump, I'm thinking two things:

1. Look at what his other hand is doing, and
2. Haiti? Did he just lob a grenade into the Clinton swamp? I think he did!


  1. The President is playing the long strategy game. All this "DACA" kerfuffle is a gambit.

    1. That's a sad little cuck gun lr. The magazine is waaaaay too short ;)

  2. Haiti is most def a shit hole. I know first hand, from a couple of Haitian folks I've known over the years (one working on VLSI in the late 80s.)

    Of course those folks were light skinned, rich, and well educated. They had to be to get where they were: here in the US, in well paid jobs and going to top schools. The coal black poor kids have no chance there.

    And so I say again: Haiti is a shit hole.

  3. Another case where a Democrat who was not at a meeting heard Trump say something at the meeting that the person who was not at the meeting is reporting that Trump said.

  4. Odd, isn't it, that Little Dick Durban was the only one at the meeting who "heard" this comment, and that, despite a history of lying about closed door comments, that is the version of events accepted by far too many

    1. I think they know he is lying, but in the immortal words of Hillary, "What difference does it make?"

  5. I love watching him send the MSM into hysterical vapors.

    Anyone else watch Dr. Jackson's presser? That says all one needs to know about the hateful/idiotic media. Is Trump going to give out the awards today? My guess would be CNN wins 1st prize, hands down (to prove it, google "fake news" and one of the top links goes to their site so people can "read Jeff Flake's, speech criticising Trump).

  6. img:""

  7. img:""

  8. Did anybody catch Cory Booker's meltdown during the DHS hearing yesterday?

    I think he will win the Oscar for sure in the "Unhinged Rants by Future Presidential Candidates" category.

  9. Here's a link to an actual CNN segment where they're actually making stuff up and hoping Trump has a heart attack. Believe me, the unhinged progs made that their top talking point after the Dr. Jackson presser.

    I saw Martin O'Malley (remember him, that poseur twat who said "all lives matter" then took it back?!?) actually said on air about an hour later that Trump's health was "supposedly excellent so the only way to go is down".

    Martha McCallum didn't call him on his new sewer low.

  10. Compared to all the asshats in the media, we are all very stable geniuses.

    (Low bar, I know. But still.)
