Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Red/Green Axis And The Plan To Undo America

The Center For Security Policy has published a new monograph, which reports details of the existential threat to the US through seeming unlimited and uncontrolled immigration:

The monograph is available as a PDF file at the bottom of the linked page.

It is 65 pages long, but worth the time to read.


  1. Gosh, it's even worse than I thought. I've read about half of the PDF, it goes fast. I feel like we are sinking and nothing will stop it. Seems kind of hopeless, these bureaucracies are so entrenched in the system, who and how can it be stopped and reversed?

    1. Interesting that the only person I've seen, outside the 0bama admin and Dems in general, who claims TPP is good for the US, is an obviously anti-capitalist.

      I don't think he really is on top of the situation, or he would realize that ant deal negotiated by 0bama has as a secondary, if not primary, purpose to do as much damage as possible to US companies and citizens

  2. Only semi-off-topic: bad news for Canada this evening.

    Merkel will be calling Trudeau and getting him to agree to take in a few hundred thousand Syrians, ASAP.

    1. Not really off-topic at all. The barbarians are inside the gates and being welcomed with open arms and empty minds

  3. lewy, I just heard the news too. Sad day for Canada, for us.

    1. Canada is busy gushing over how hawt the new boy is. He's become a national toy boy.

    2. Fuck.

      That. Is. All.

      Sad, depressed and furious.
