Wednesday, May 13, 2015

But Time Makes You Bolder...

...Children get older. I'm getting older too...

It's a Stevie Nicks kind of night...sweet Stevie voice and sweeter Lindsey guitar. And then, Tom Petty. And Don Henley. Nuff said. Enjoy!


  1. Nice! Thanks lr. There is much Stevie Nicks coolness on YouTube.

    1. Oh yes! Now I'm watching a Tom Petty concert. And singing! Badly! lol :))

  2. This damn thing, I left a comment hours ago and it's not here.

    lady red, I really enjoyed the vids, especially the first one, TY.

    1. I'll get out and crank it... probably just cold...

    2. Give it a good crank, hee hee.

      Seems like lately it either double-posts or doesn't post at all.

    3. I'll get out and crank it... probably just cold...

    4. OK now that's a fascinating bug...

  3. Anyhoo, I was saying in my previous comment that disappeared...that it was very interesting to see Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie together like that, it put a lump in my throat. He is such an intense person that I can't watch him perform for any length of time - even though he is such a fine musician and singer. No doubt his crazy love for Stevie has affected and perhaps shaped his life and professional career. So it was lovely and nostalgic to see such tender and personal moments between them in their "mature" years in this video.
