Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Quick Thoughts

-- The U.S. will keep 9,600 soldiers in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan following the December, 2014, date in which the U.S. had planned to pull out of the country, after spending tens of billions of dollars on preparing the new government and its armed forces for a post-U.S. era.

-- We will now spend billions of more dollars, place our men in harm’s way and pretend that come December, 2016 we really, really, really are going to leave.  Really.

--  With the political earthquake in Europe shaking not only the foundations of the European Union but the entire post-War progressive-globalist order, I am at this point more hopeful for the future of my people (European-American and European) than at any other time in my life.  Just as the cracks in the armor of the Soviet Union began in its European provinces and protectorates, only to eventually destroy the ideology of the imperial state altogether, this latest movement is nothing less than its progressive-globalist twin.  In short, it is now the U.S.’s colonies and satraps that are beginning to dump an ideology that, as Pat Buchanan recently put it, “feeds the body but starves the soul.”

--  In the United Kingdom, the anti-EU UK Independence Party received more votes than any other party, eclipsing the governing parties, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, and the opposition Labour Party.  Their 24 new MEPs will be the largest contingent from the UK.  This despite a years-long campaign by the establishment painting the UKIP as a Dad’s Army of kooks, cranks and racists.

--  In Denmark, the only Danish party running on the radical platform that Denmark is not Administrative Region No 6 but the home of the Danish people, their language, culture and history ran just behind the governing Social Democrats.  In Greece, both the anti-EU far left and the anti-EU far right embarrassed the establishment parties.  Even in the EU heartland, Germany itself, an anti-EU party won more than 6% of the vote.

--  The big news, however, and really the only news that matters, is the spectacular triumph of the Front National in France.  The FN took more votes than any other party in France and will be sending the majority of France’s MEPs to Brussels/Strasbourg.

There is a reason the French President called this result an “earthquake”.  It is no longer a question of if the French will arise and reclaim their sovereignty, it is when and, critically, how.  It won’t happen today nor tomorrow, but happen it will.

And when the various NATO countries begin acting as the Warsaw Pact countries did when they threw off the occupier’s ideology, the tsunami from that earthquake will arrive on these shores, from sea to shining sea.


  1. Maybe. The real test will be national elections.

    Meanwhile, EUR sovereign bond markets continue to view Brussels and the ECB as having much more power than they do on paper. Those institutions have been insinuating they have extraordinary power since Mario Draghi took over the ECB and ended the Euro crisis; the markets believe him.

    If markets come to believe that anti-EU populists will take control of sovereign European governments and reject EU budget authority, austerity and de-facto transfer payments via the ECB, then markets will cut off funding of peripheral countries - including those which are too big to bail out, like Italy - and the Euro will implode. And the EU and the common market with it.

    Those who would overturn the European order must first defund it. Until then it's all just circus.

    Also - the "Empire", such as it is, has distinct and authentic roots in Europe; it's not an exceptionally American phenomenon. The postmodern progressive agenda and ideology is arguably a French and German import, not an indigenous American product.

    Worth remembering too the impulse to shed nationalism and sovereignty in Europe was not imposed, but rather quite native and sincere among the European peoples. The post war consensus was that Europe had destroyed itself in civil war; they were eager not to repeat this. As the WWII generation dies off this impulse too will diminish but it will not be extinguished so easily.

    Finally, while its good to see the European people stand up for themselves, the parties themselves are all themselves neo-statist, just like the "Empire". Nationalist and not globalist; traditionalist and not progressive. But still neo-statist.

    1. Feel free to remove any two out of the three "themselves" in the first sentence of the last paragraph. :|

  2. The establishment will do what it can to control the internet. If they don't do that, then they will lose. There is too much information available now for people to buy the establishment line.

    1. The internet cuts both ways.

      Dollars to donuts UKIP is crawling with MI5. And GCHQ is likely totally tapped into their internal comms; it also very likely has predictive data mining software so sophisticated it could predict what Farage is going to do before he even decides. No, really.

      "The people" and "the masses" had always been something of an opaque swamp before now. With social media and big data, the establishment has never had better insight into what people were thinking and planning, or better levers to move them into line...
