Thursday, March 27, 2014

Morning Tea with a Dollop of Philosphy

This is a long read by John C. Wright, but well worth it.

Do not be deceived: Leftism is an enigma. We need a theorem that explains not one or two aspects of Leftism, but all their traits.
If you say that chastity leads to happy marriage as cause leads to effect, the Modern Liberal will stare at you blankly. If you say paying unwed mothers to have bastards discourages wedlock, they will call you a racist. If you say applauding, defending and supporting the terrorist Palestinians against the innocent Israelis encourages terrorism, they will shriek like mad harpies. They think that to come to an unflattering judgment about any other man or race of men is not just rash and rude, they think it is evil, a type of bigotry, a hate crime.
They have taken a whole area of human thought, namely, everything embraces in ethics, politics, morals, economics and history, and declared it all sacred, off limits, and forbidden to be thought about.
In the memorable phrase of Sayet, they have defined reasoning as a hate crime.

H/T: Vox Day

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