Friday, March 14, 2014

Laughter is the best medicine - says a doctor's secretary

After the all the horrific stories and scary news about your wonderful new O'Bumbler Health Scheme (scheme being the operative word here), I thought you might enjoy a wonderful new book that will make you LOL literally. "Open Wide and Say... Ha!" is written by Lynda Greeneberg who is the secretary of her husband's pediatric surgery.

Here's what the Amazon book review says:

If you believe that laughter is the best medicine, then this unique compilation might be just the thing to provide you with a daily dose of healing. At the busy pediatric office where Lynda Greenberg works as a secretary and office manager, it’s normal for over a hundred and fifty patients a day to pass through the doors. As you might expect, the staff members there have plenty of stories to tell, many of which are unusually hilarious! ....  In this lighthearted volume of tales, you will meet: • A mother worried that her two-month-old infant gets migraines when it rains • A parent requesting medical get her teenager out of bed • A toddler with fluorescent, day-glo urine from a most unusual cause ...and many other interesting characters from the practice’s belly-busting vault of strange but true stories!

Full disclosure: The author, Lynda Greenberg is my Canadian cousin (she lives in Toronto), and here is what she has to say about herself

Lynda Greenberg taught pre-school for twenty years in  Alberta,  British Columbia and  Ontario before deciding on a career change. She began working in her husband's pediatric practice fourteen years ago and has never looked back!  Although Lynda loved teaching, she was intrigued at the thought of working with her husband, as well as trying something new. That's when Lynda made the change from teaching to become a medical secretary and Office Manager.

Over the years, Lynda  has  regularly jotted down funny stories as they occur during the work  day. This book is the result.

There are currently four pediatricians working in the office, which has given her plenty to write about! Lynda lives happily in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada with her husband of 36 years.  Dr. Manny and Lynda have three  children and eleven grandchildren, whom they adore!

I can vouch personally for Lynda's fantastic sense of humour. In fact she's probably one of the funniest people I know.  You can watch a snippet of her in action at her book launch last week:

Lynda told me to tell you that "Open Wide and say ... Ha!" is available on Amazon, but if you order it directly from Lynda's website, the price is only C$14 for the book, plus the exact cost of postage.
Highly recommended as feel-good medicine! 

1 comment:

  1. She's hilarious Annie! I just bought her book for my kindle, and it was only $8.99. Thanks so much; we could all use a bit of laughter and silliness! :)
