Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Shut Happens

"Open thread" on the shutdown.

Shut photo obama_zpsd26cf7ab.gif

(Sorry for the gif but I couldn't resist. I'll tuck this "below the fold" when it gets tiresome.)


  1. Replies
    1. Matt, LOL!!! It will never get tiresome, lewy.

      I can't adequately describe what I think of the thin-skinned teleprompter reader.

  2. I saw this gif on ZH today and laughed! It begs to be captioned. :D

  3. Rep. Steve Stockman called Obama "President Stompy Feet" today. LMAO!!!

  4. The thin-skinned teleprompter reader never met a campaign backdrop he didn't like.

    What a pathetic excuse for a leader. Hearing the sound of his voice for a few seconds makes me want to scream...which is especially unfortunate since he can't keep his lying ass off the television for more than a day or two. Ditto for the scumbags Reid and Pelosi.

    I never thought I'd live to see this level of disgraceful, dishonest incompetence inhabiting the white house and congress.

  5. As for the shut-down, good. I could give a crap if the govt. is shut down.

  6. Sorry to be so cranky but our heat pump compressor went out, we're looking at just under 10 grand for a complete new system and on top of that I have to hear the thin-skinned teleprompter reader blaming the tea party and republicans for this shut-down?

    Eff that.

    1. Ugh. Sorry to hear that flo. Home expenses are kinda "lumpy".

      While I'm not a huge fan of Obama either, I would posit that his presidency is as much a symptom of all that is wrong as it is a cause.

    2. Oh no florrie! That's a lot of benjamins. I'm so sorry. :(

  7. That's a very good point, lewy. You are right, of course. I think what bothers me so much is to see him out there, week after week, so unpresidential in his rhetoric...his word meaning nothing...seeing our position in the world reduced to paper tiger status (and that's a generous description).

  8. Meanwhile, he's effing with my health care when I need it the most. I've lived my life never taking a handout, always working for what I have, trying to be fair. But now I'm scared as well as angry at the pols playing political games with something that will impact my life and my loved ones irrevocably.

  9. While the new systems covers pre-existing conditions, i also hear that coverage can cost $33,000.

  10. And what part of the "Affordable Health Care Act" does $33,000 relate to?

  11. Heh, yeah... I'm in that boat as well.

    Oregon is better than most; the enough of the website was up today that I can begin to see what my choices are. (All the interactive components - like "signing up" - were inoperative).

    In three months my existing insurance ends.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear that, lewy. We were very relieved that - for the time being - our company is going to continue providing insurance for us.

  13. I haven't gone on the exchange yet. I'm petrified. I'm hoping and praying that the State will pick me up full time before I'm arrested and thrown in the gulag.

    I'm also hoping and praying that the young people will find their voice and their courage and rebel against this wildly unfair monstrosity before we're all swallowed up.

  14. I couldn't BELIEVE MY EYES when I saw the gov't workers instructed to keep our vets away from their memorial! This is the lowest of the low. My God, how have we arrived at this point?

    They need to knock those barriers down, these monuments belong to US.

    1. The first time in the history of government shutdowns that the people have been barred from any of the open-air monuments. Just as this most un-presidential of 'presidents' stopped White House tours and blamed it on his own sequester (without, of course, admitting that is was his idea).

      His plan is to make any cuts as visible and painful as possible, all the while knowing that the media will cover his butt and rabidly rant at the evil GOP for the shutdown.

      It's not working in this area, at least. The people I talk to, or even overhear casually, are universally angry with this , and except for one who blames both parties, also universal in their condemnation of 0bame/Reid/Pelosi, et al.

      We arrived at this at the end of decades of carefully plotted dumbing-down of the population, via schools, media and popular culture.

      We arrived with an equally carefully planned campaign of lies, demagoguery and stolen votes.

      We arrived because it was not 'PC' to fight back against the supposedly moral pronouncements of the left that were ALL actually immoral.

      And God help us now.

    2. Hear, hear, Dances. I couldn't agree with you more.

    3. Blocking scenic views is the height of petulance and immaturity.

      However, restricting vets from visiting their memorials is grounds for open rebellion.

      Yep. God help us now.
