Sunday, July 21, 2013

What The Media Hid Regarding The Martin/Zimmerman Debacle

Bill Whittle puts together all that the media has ignored about this case - and leaves us wondering just how deep is the collusion between the media, the Obama regime and the pro race-hustlers, as well as how far they will go to use this to try (again) to push gun control, as well as reducing the American's Right of Self-Defense.

WELL.  As is so often the case any more, jackhole youtube won't let me do this correctly to link the video to the post.

(Magic Fayre fixed that for you)

Here is a direct link - it is well worth watching:


  1. I think this is what you would call an inconvenient truth.

  2. You mean he went to the inconvenient store for his skittles and juice?

  3. Wow. I'm speechless. I knew that the media meme was a glossed-over version of the event, but...damn.

    This is the first I've heard of the cough syrup/watermelon tea/skittles concoction, and other Whittle tidbits that aren't tidbits at all.

    Thank you for posting this DWT. It's a startling wake-up call. I now feel like an idiot for some of my previous comments...I should've listened more closely to you all, and looked at this situation with a less emotional response. Damn it.
