Monday, June 24, 2013

Zimmerman, Telegraphed

Scene: A staff meeting. 7 officers discussing a new issue facing consular officers world-wide. In the background, a flat screen on the wall is broadcasting CNN International. The sound is off.

Discussion continues. On the television, the Big Story moves from the impending death of Saint Nelson to the  upcoming trial of Zimmerman.

Images flash: the "White" Latino standing in a new Men's Warehouse suit taking the oath on the stand, hilariously taking seriously a political show trial, the light has still not gone on in his head.

The judge, a middle-aged angry woman. You can sense the Suburu.  You can see her bumperstickers.

Images change: Trayvon, smiling. Trayvon, with "father" kissing him on the forehead.

Graphics change: 911 transcripts. Young man asking for help in background, it says.

Discussion continues: the latest government rule change will make our jobs even harder. Business as usual.

Telegraph to me, message in forehead, like an ice-pick from Stalin in Mexico:

Show trial, you're screwed Zimmerman.

And you don't even know it.

And you still have a puppy dog's face, accepting it and the system.

One must fight against the urge to hate you for it.  Corruption has never been compulsory.


  1. If GZ had been named Guillermo Zapata and was an undocumented worker, drunk and high when he stalked TM and shot the little shit dead as a doornail, THEN the trial would be interesting. I'd make popcorn and watch the pols and the newsies chase their tails.

    Alas, GZ is white and sporting a Northern European moniker. He's toast. I suspect that he's a bit of a wacko, but whether he is or he isn't won't matter one iota.

    One must fight against the urge to hate you for it. Corruption has never been compulsory.


  2. I think the "light" has gone on in his head, Kevin. He doesn't have much choice in the matter now, does he?

    I totally agree it's a show trial. I also agree with what Alan Dershowitz had to say on the matter:

    "This affidavit,submitted by the prosecutor in the Florida case is a crime. It’s a crime. If she in fact knew about ABC News’ pictures of the bloody head of Zimmerman and failed to include that in the affidavit, this affidavit is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


    The prosecution’s goal is to present all the details and evidence of the case in order to pursue justice, not merely to seek justice solely for one side of the case. And you don’t indict based on false information."

    This should never have come to trial. If he's found (gasp) not guilty, let the riots begin.

  3. My forecast...this show trial will morph in to a real trial and Zimmerman will be acquitted. There will be no riots, either.

    The prosecution has been too cute by half, just as they were in the first OJ trial. Backfires in such circumstances are common.

  4. I hope you are right, Aridog, I surely do.

    1. I called it on the OJ trial, against the arguments of my work associates, over 50% of them black, who all were sure OJ would be found guilty. Whoops.

      The only person on the prosecution side, as a witness, who wasn't a total shit-head was P.O. Mark Furman...yet the prosecution virtually invited the defense to go after Furman over a single spoken word. No one in the group I was in, half black mind you, thought that was significant. Whoops.

      Perhaps if the two prosecuting attorneys hadn't been boinking each other they might have done better in the daytime. was LA and in LA you can't make up stuff any funnier than reality.

    2. It gets better, the prosecution opened the case with Zimmerman's first words to the 911 dispatcher: "F------ punks. These a-------. They always get away."

      Prosecution Case Synopsis: The white-Hispanic spake it, therefore he done kilt that innocent black boy.

      [Ghost written by Al (Twana Brawley) Sharpton ]

      PS: Flaw in the state's scenario, as perceived by someone who has been in gun fights and fired in anger...first rule is dispose of all witnesses...e.g., don't be on the fucking phone yakking with the cops....or otherwise by any means necessary.

  5. Apparently, the Prosecution has asserted that Zimmerman's [parents may be called as witnesses, therefore they cannot be present in the courtroom during the avoid "tainting."

    This is again too cute, and technically correct procedure, but the only obvious taint is the fact the prosecution doesn't want Zimmerman's mother's v-e-r-y obviously not-very-white-Hispanic face present every day. Now why would this parents be witnesses to something they did not see, nor hear. Hello?

    Kevin is right, they are trying to make this a "show trial"...but I predict they will fail under the public glare.

  6. Kevin, you had the judge pegged from the start.

    Anyone catch the testimony of prosecution's witness these last 2 days...

    1. Hi florrie! If the prosecution's case hinges on the "girlfriend", they are the most incompetent public servants EVER. What a joke!

      It's disturbing that taxpayers have ponied up a small fortune to educate this kid, and she can't read or write cursive. Can she read and write at all? Can she add and subtract?

      Who fabricated that letter? Who fabricated the script for the phone conversation she supposedly had with her "gangsta" (barf) "boyfriend"?

      From Miriam/Webster:

      col·lu·sion: a secret agreement or cooperation between two parties for an illegal or dishonest purpose ... Synonyms complicity, connivance, conspiracy.

  7. I shouldn't have been surprised at the articles out today excoriating "whites" for "not understanding" her and the defense for "badgering" her.

    Sheesh, unbelievable. This is OJ, part 2.

    1. This comment on the trial in today's National Post made my day:

      He say he be follow by a Creepy ass Cracker........A Creepy Ass.....whad be da question?

      (Actual excerpt from testimony)

  8. Fay, there are plenty of articles by white, knee-jerk liberals (start with Slate) falling all over themselves to say what a great witness she was and not even realizing how racist their own comments are about us whites not "getting" that woman.

    1. Yes, I've seen a few florrie. To say I'm flabbergasted, gob smacked or incredulous, doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. I'm speechless.
