Saturday, May 18, 2013

Enemies of Enemies, etc...

I just noticed this series of finance/economy posts by Jesse Eisinger of ProPublica, published in the NYT "DealBook" section.

Recall that ProPublica is the progressive agit-prop outfit that received (and published) confidential information on Tea Party groups which it received (improperly and arguably illegally) from the IRS.

Not hard to see how they aren't exactly on "our side"... except... check out some of the post titles: 
If these headlines turned up at Reason or National Review or PJ Media or The Blaze, they'd look right at home.

Of course the posts themselves have to ritually excoriate "the rich" and hedge fund managers and the like as intrinsically evil - no need to impugn motives, we all know they're bad. Full stop. 

And poor Jesse has to genuflect a few times in the direction of Paul Krugman and his minions - that or be digitally lynched. The Gods of the Left must be propitiated.

But if you read the posts - basically what he's saying is that Bernanke and Krugman are wrong, and that the insurgents on the Right are correct - current monetary policy is ineffective and helping only rich people. At best. At worst, it is sowing the seeds of the next crisis.

The true insurgency, it seems, is the edge against the center.

When people tell me they're for sensible policies, common sense; that they belong to the rational middle... I assume they're lazy, stupid, bought off, or my enemy. I may assume wrong but yeah, this is what it's come to. 

I'd much rather talk to a Jesse Eisinger than a Paul Krugman (or a Larry Summers or a Tim Geithner). At least we could find some common ground.

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