Thursday, April 11, 2013

Some days, I feel like Johnny. Some days, like Archie.

The open threads will continue until the morale improves.


  1. This is a harrowing clip from Mike Leigh's film Naked.

    Worth it if you have ten minutes or so.

  2. Very powerful lewy. I haven't seen the film, and with the mood I'm in, I probably won't this week. I like the idea of an open thread.

    I haven't been watching the news for the past few weeks. At all. Sometimes it just gets too overwhelming and I have to step away.

    I heard that Margaret Thatcher died, and that made me sad. She was such an inspiration, and a touchstone for reality, morality, strength, and plain old common sense...a true leader and role model.

    Mom has taken a bad spell again, and we brought her home from the hospital on Monday. She's so frail and weak, and her weight is down to less than a hundred pounds. I spend as much time as I can with her, and when I'm working Noah is there. We've hired someone to come in for mornings, to help us take care of her and Dad. Dad's been Mr. Crankypants, and is confused and upset that Mom is sick. I have no good options left. I'm afraid that if I place Dad in a nursing home he'll quickly wither and die. I'm afraid that if I don't I'll lose my Mom. She can't help take care of him anymore, and she's overwhelmed by even being in the same house with him and his Parkinsons/Alheimers/cancer.

    Sometimes I just find a quiet place and cry. I know all families go through this, but damn, it's so hard.

    1. Beaming love and courage to you lady red. Love and courage.

    2. I'm so sorry to hear of your parents' illnesses Lady Red. I know very well how hard it is to balance between their separate needs and your own and your family's needs too. It's a balancing act that can completely wear you out.

      We went through similar times with my inlaws, with PIL after a stroke and MIL with Alzheimers. We solved the problem eventually by getting a live-in carer who is worth her weight in gold.

      I wish you the physical and mental strength to cope with the difficult balancing act, and send you positive thoughts and prayers. Prayers also for your parents to ease their suffering.

      They are lucky they have such a dedicated and loving daughter.

    3. I'm so sorry to hear all this, lady red. You are such a wonderful daughter to them. I'll be praying for you all and you always have a shoulder to cry on with me. xoxoxoxo

    4. I for one can testify that the earnest prayers of other, no matter from how far away, can make life livable. Some time ago CBA revealed that gift to me and no doubt participated in the recovery of my beloved Judi, and in fact, opened my heart to G-d that had so long been denied.

      So just let me add my wishes to those of Annie, it is the truth.

    5. That's wonderful, Aridog. I didn't know Judi had been ill again, I'm glad she is better. You too.

    6. Florie ... no, Judi has not been ill again, I was referring to the near miss on 22 March 2006. CBA's direct contact, follow up, and kindness opened my eyes to something I'd long ago abandoned. I was finally baptized on an Easter Sunday one year ago as a result, over time for re-thinking everything, of the eye opening.

    7. I remember that time when Judi was so sick (it's hard to believe that's been 7 years), but I didn't know about CBA's mitzvah.

      I'm so happy for you, Aridog. I think everyone should believe or not, as they wish, although I think faith and prayer are a great comfort in times of stress - or joy.

    8. Thanks everyone, your prayers are in my heart.

      Aridog, I'm so happy for you that you've found your faith and have been baptized, and that your lady love continues to be well.

      Prayer is a powerful thing. I've sure been doing a lot of it.

  3. A clip from a Mike Leigh film most certainly will not improve morale (mine at least).

    Foul language and nihilism aren't my cup of tea.

    1. I should have put a profanity warning out there - sorry!

      I could explain why I actually find this clip really uplifting... but, well, another day, maybe.

    2. Maybe indeed lewy. I know from past posts by both of us that our artistic taste and interpretation are poles apart. No matter, we can disagree and still be friends who respect each other.

  4. lady red, so sorry to hear about your Mom and Dad. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  5. Lady Red - I echo Lewy. Commiseration will not help, so I will add to his sending of Love & Courage.

  6. Sorry for the downer post the other day friends. I really appreciate the support and love from you all; thanks for listening and letting me vent. I was a bit overwhelmed and feeling sorry for myself. Had myself a right good pity party, wot? :-D

    I'm back to my optimistic, cheery self now. It's a "granddaughter and planting flower baskets" weekend! Woo-hoo! :-)

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better, lady red. Hang in there, lovey, and have a wonderful day with darling Em. xoxoxo

  8. I love you all. Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much it means to me...there are no words.
