Sunday, March 10, 2013

Is Obama Slowly Losing The Left?

Peggy Noonan has penned a couple of interesting articles this week. In the first, she skewers Obama for his lack of vision and focus:

"Meanwhile, the president is stuck in his games and his history. He should have seen unemployment entering a crisis stage four years ago, and he did not. At that time I was certain he'd go for public-works projects, which could give training to the young and jobs to the experienced underemployed, would create jobs in the private sector and, in the end, yield up something needed—a bridge, a strengthened power grid. He instead gave his first term to health care. And now ObamaCare is being cited as a reason employers are laying people off and not hiring, according to a report from the Federal Reserve.
What a mess."
Yesterday's column concerned her discussion with two senators who attended the much-trumpeted dinner with Obama on Wednesday evening:

"Another possibility is that the president’s claiming he’s poison is just a dodge, a way of subtly putting the onus on his foes: I could help if your team didn’t hate me so unreasonably, but alas they do, so I can do little. And this would be an excuse to continue what appears to me to be his preferred negotiating style, which is the nonnegotiation negotiation: Let them guess where I am, let them guess what I’ll do, I’ll be the calm center while they run around like headless chickens.
My sense: If you really want a grand bargain, that dinner was exactly where you’d make it clear you’ll work with them every step of the way, you’ll own this, you’ll lead.
It doesn’t sound like that’s what the president did."


  1. Barry has never had to compromise, so why should we expect him to start now?

    Any supposed give on his part has been nothing, ever, except political spin backed by media lies.

    He will continue to accomplish his purpose of undermining everything this country is based on, while the terminally stupid will continue to support him, for the same reasons listed above.

  2. Yes, he's losing people on the Left.

    Like Peggy Noonan.

  3. I think it may be possible that people on the left are starting to see Obama as the lying sack of used horse feed that he is.

  4. Obama losing who? Anyone here ever play Three Card Monte? Obama, and his handlers, are masters at the game. Nobody is losing anyone worth spit on the left...the truth is the vise grip is actually being tightened. Fear does that. A universe of Marxist lying sacks of horse shit are not likely to be critical of a Marxist lying sack of horse would they even be able to tell?

    These progressive manipulators REALLY ARE good. They managed to get Senator Rand Paul to blow oral flatulence for 13 hours only to subsequently vote for cloture against himself. Hello? Oh, yeah, he's my hero...that brilliantine mop topped weenie sniveling little shit-head. Oh, wait...they actually got Kerry, Hagel, and Brennan approved didn't they? And cut loose a couple thousand Hispanic illegals at the same time. Oh, my. VICTORY for the Peeps!!
