Saturday, January 5, 2013

If They Come For Your Guns. . .

I am only posting a link to this, because of the radical nature of the post on the DC Clothesline Blog.

I think this young man has hit one out of the park.

Many others have reposted it on various blogs and via Facebook, but if the others here object, I will remove it again.

The only portion that I will quote is his closing sentence;

"Are you willing to die to take my guns?"


  1. Seconded. That newspaper in NY did one thing right, they brought the "conversation" out in the open. I agree with what the author wrote. Along the same lines, in case anyone hasn't see this yet, a
    Marine writes to Feinstein about her proposed gun control.

    And after Dances saying he'd remove the article if anyone objected, here is The year in PC, by Jim Goad.

    1. Goad's article is sublime ridiculousness, with whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry on top. Great find florrie!

  2. Thanks, folks. My reasons for offering removal were not anything to do with PC (God knows) but simply because I am not sure how many here want to risk being on 'The List'.

    Thanks Florrie, that was an excellent link. I have John Derbyshire's column in my ever-growing favorites list.

    1. If there is a list, may I be on it. The time has come to take a stand. We cannot remain silent in the hopes that it is someone else's name on the list. After a while, it will be mine anyway.

    2. I'd be proud and honored to be on the "list". I'd be in excellent company.

      Molon labe, you sons of bitches.

  3. Don't remove it. This young man has the courage and the balls to voice what millions of people are thinking and discussing in the privacy of their homes.

    I'm sure my family is already on their "list". I'm a conservative blogger, and my husband is a vet. Most of our friends and family are bitter clingers from all walks of life, including military, law enforcement, and firefighters. Who, exactly, will they send to our door? Not our friends and neighbors.

    Where does that leave Obama and his inept minions? Will they send the city boyz to the Ozarks to disarm us? They may try. It may go badly for them. We will not comply.

    This young man may have touched a lit match to a tinder box. I hope so, because I'm truly fed up and my patience gauge is pegging empty.

    Thank you so much for finding and posting this DWT.

  4. Hmmm, interesting. I see from his profile that Dean Garrison is from my neck of the woods.

  5. I will echo what lady red and Matt said. We have had this conversation in our home as well. We won't be disarmed, not without a fight.

    I'm sure both of us are on the list too. That list is mighty long. Thanks for posting the article, DWT.

  6. America, please, please don't surrender to your 'Government'!
    We in the UK gave up and surrendered to the UN's Agenda 21, aided and abetted by the evil EU, many years ago and where has it got us?
    We are forbidden to possess any form of handgun, rifles of any description are severely controlled; only the criminals are now armed.
    The result? Violent crimes per 100,000 population: UK = 2034, the USA = 466. (

    If you happen to be the fortunate owner of a shotgun here in the UK and actually use it to prevent the murder of another person, then you are in deep trouble: (

    We are much further down the slippery slope of "socialised medical care" than you are. Please look at where it leads: ( This administering of strong sedatives and the deprivation of medical treatment, nutrition and fluids is sinisterly called the 'Liverpool Care Pathway'. It is naught but a pathway to a swift death, approved by an anonymous doctor, because it would be "too expensive" to treat you. The doctors are very often wrong:(

    America, just look at us in the UK and you can see what your future could hold for you. We are helpless when victimised by criminals, we are being murdered in our state-run hospitals and we are now taxed into such poverty as to be unable to heat our homes in winter: (
    Our energy costs (electricity, petrol and diesel)are soaring so that our 'government' can try and reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by at least 80% by 2050: (
    Utter madness!
    America, please don't give in. Please remember the Second Amendment to your most admirable Constitution and remember, most importantly, WHY you have that most precious Amendment. Heed the words of your Founding Fathers: "Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state government, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people" (Tench Coxe, Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788)" ... and more here: (

    "Molon labe" indeed!

    1. Thank you Steve, for that view of what our future will probably be if we do not resist.

      I saw a news story, recently, but cannot remember where (i.e. no link) that ties in with your socialized medicine story, that a recent study shows more people die in medical mistakes each year in Britain, than by guns in the US.

    2. Here is a list of all the stories from Steve's comment, turned into links:

      The Violent Country

      Farmer's Police Ordeal

      Patients Pathway To Death

      Woman Left To Die, Survives

      Fuel Poverty Christmas

      Climate Change Act

      Second Amendment Quotes

      Just figured I'd try to accomplish something before the drugs and cheap wine kicked in.

    3. Thank you DWT; that's very handy. I hope you're dancing again very soon!

  7. Anybody see Alex Jones on Piers Morgan's show?

    1. I just watched a few minutes of it lewy; it's all I could take. Jones was foaming at the mouth while Morgan smirked. Methinks Jones needs some of that Prozac he's railing against. And Morgan? He's a pompous ass.

      Did any of you watch the whole thing?

  8. I watched the link on Drudge for about a minute but like lady red, the AJ ranting was too much for me to continue listening.

    Fay, lol!!!

    So what did you think about it, lewy?

  9. I didn't watch any of it.

    I read a bit about his appearance and figured I knew what it was about but I couldn't bring myself to watch any of it myself.

    Morgan was brilliant to have him on.

    It's a great strategy - put crazy people on who advocate for guns.

    Expect to see a lot more of this kind of thing.

    1. Morgan, and others of his type, believe that anyone who advocates for guns is insane anyway.

      It is essentially, the difference in attitude between a citizen, with full, God-given rights that they will fight to defend, and a subject, whi will bow before his betters and say 'yes, My Lord' as even their most basic human rights are stripped away.

      The left is a pack of personal, intellectual and societal cowards, who feel, deep inside, that whining, cringing and hand-wringing are the proper response to any threat.

      It is all part of the underlying, well-deserved, self-loathing of the left. They know exactly how useless they are, despite putting up a gaudy front.

      Coupled with that is a belief that they are still better than 'the others' and a complete lack of ability to understand that those 'inferior others' can DARE to demand rights that they are so obviously unsuited to exercise.

  10. @lewy14: It's a great strategy - put crazy people on who advocate for guns.

    Regrettably, the left-leaning MSM has no need to; the Second Amendment supporters have nominated their own nutter to speak for them, viz., the odious Wayne LaPierre.

    He was so appallingly off-base in his remarks that initially I thought his comments were an Onion piece. Then I read up a bit on him, and my vomit-reflex was justified. A pomaded, coiffed sleazebag in a sharp suit with an empty skull. An MA in polsci. Not a "gun guy" at all, but rather a "government process guy" that has never worked in the private sector. Utterly Inside The Beltway. I periodically run across this type of parasite in my business dealings, and consciously try to cut them out of the process chart at first opportunity.

    So, regardless of how Obama's gun control initiative rolls out, the NRA needs a credible spokesman if it expects continuing political currency.

    /could it be that LaPierre actually represents the NRA membership accurately? Nahhh... couldn't be. Could it?

  11. Earl, the frequnt dribbling of bullshit from you on this topic is becoming tiresome.

    Only a damned fool thinks that more restrictions on freedom are the answer to anything.

    Since you are obviously incapable of refuting LaPierre's arguments intellectualy, you resort to the classic left-wing attack of insult of those you disagree with.

    As I said before, you are obviously not quite able to shoulder the duties and responsibilities of a free citizen, so go ahead and do your cringing and hand-wringing in front of your betters, just like any other subject of any tyrannical regine.

  12. Now, I am going to go to bed. Tomorrow I will get up and go for an MRI to see just what is wrong with my hip and back, and if it is reperable.

    But even with those physical troubles, I still will stand straighter than you.

  13. @ DWT: Well, I've struck a nerve, demanding a level of economic/political coherence from the spokesman of what purports to be the voice of the Second Amendment.

    And, as some gratuitous advice, knock off the Nembutal/two buck chuck cocktails. They're a killer.

    /walks off straight into the ether.

    1. AS my dear old departed grandma used to say: "don't let the kitchen door hit you in the ass".

      I sure miss that woman. :)
