Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's Come To This

Well, I cannot make (or even read) the comments at this point in time.

So I am doing this post by way of experiment, to see if anything works for me.

I already followed Lewy's link to the Blogger Buzz Blog (a little alliteration always alleviates all) and asked them if there was any way to go back to the old system.

We don't really need a reply feature here, as we almost never get even close to 100 comments.

UPDATE: Vikram here. Internet Explorer is in fact spectacularly broken by our post pages with comments... as in: won't render at all in IE9 on Windows 7 (the only windows setup at my disposal this moment). All other combos work for me: latest versions of Firefox/Safari/Chrome are OK on Mac OS X, and Firefox and Chrome on Windows 7 are likewise working just fine.

Further, the Google "Blogger Buzz" comment page works OK with IE9/Win7 - the Google blog uses the new templates. Something tells me the hacks Blogger did to retrofit the new threaded comments into the old templates aren't working so well. I'm thinking we should consider moving to one of the new templates. I'm going to play around with this in my "practice blog". In the meantime I urge all those affected to give Google Chrome a shot, it's really pretty good.


  1. Well, your post worked so that's one thing.

    Plus I am posting a comment on your post, so that's two things.

    I personally love the reply feature. It saves copying and pasting and numbering,

    Finally, I believe from what lewy has told us the changes are out of our control and have been imposed by blogger.

  2. Obviously the changes need certain browsers in order to be seem. Sorry for all the problems you are having Dances. Strange that you can make a post but can't comment.

    The interwebs has a minds of it owns,

    Typo's intentional :)

  3. I like the reply feature as well.

    I hope we can get our problems fixed soon...I don't like the thought of some of our TCKT family not being able to post or comment. :(

  4. Well, the comments work (maybe) with Chrome, but the page is TINY. About 2/3 the size it used to be.

    No, chrome is an improvement in some areas, but those are more than overshadowed by others.

    Geeks seem to just LOVE to change things for the mere sake of changing, but not improving.

    In about 1 minute Chrome will be gone from my PC.

  5. Oh, well - I kept Chrome, just for TCKT. Cooler heads prevailed, although as bald as I am I must wonder how any head can be cooler.
