Monday, November 28, 2011

As a Digestif to Dance's Post

I give you Banking Queen!


  1. ACK!!! Now I REALLY need a digestif! =))

    Great find florrie!

  2. Rush played this several years ago during the Fannie/Freddie crisis. Catchy, innit?

    By the way, stick a fork in Herman Cain - he's done.

  3. Florrie, I caught the bit about Cain's "affair" on the evening news.

    Yep, he's toast. And quite possibly a lying POS too.

    Dammit. To. Hell. :-L

  4. What's with Cain? Did he go out and "have a fwing?" :p

  5. omg. So I read the story linked on Drudge (I had an actual "life" today and am just now getting to Drudge lol) and just... omg.

    Cain sayz a subject matter which is not a proper subject of inquiry by the media or the public.


    Cain. d00d.

    Your choice of side dish is absolutely a subject of proper inquiry. The fact you chose so poorly as to retain the intimate confidence of a woman whose character is so lacking she folds like a cheap suit at the first hint of scandal... lame.

    [Well, that, and many other reasons. It may not reflect well on me but that was my first reaction.]

  6. He's toast. But has there been anything except accusations? No. If there is any evidence that he did anything wrong...13 years and you have no evidence...BS. Until then, it's the typical liberal f'ing game. Destroy and scorch earth. There is more evidence of Obama giving a BJ for coke than there has been in any of these accusations.

  7. RWC - if you read Cain's response it's not even a non-denial denial. It's a non-denial.

  8. I think you're both right.

    When Cain started catching on, the left went after him with the same slavering vigor they employed disemboweling Palin. This latest allegation is still not "proof" of anything. In fact, the most recent scuttlebutt I've heard is that the first two "unnamed accusers" on Politico are actually the two who have made their accusations public. Hence, there are 2 accusers, not 4. Of course, that doesn't matter because he's already been labeled a serial perv - first repeated endlessly by his detractors, now almost tossed into the conversation as an aside. I just felt that this latest revelation - true or not - is the proverbial straw.

    Too bad because it seems to me that Cain has many positive leadership assets (not to mention he's so personable and likeable!); apparently he has a tendency to flirt and a wandering eye as well. Nothing wrong with that really, unless you're a republican running for prez.

  9. OK - so reading further - here is where Cain flatly denies the affair.

    The "non-denial" I referred to above was from his lawyer.

    When someone asks you about an affair and you say "none of your business" then basically you are saying yeah, so what.

    When your lawyer says "none of your business" on your behalf, then all he is saying is I haven't talked to my client yet.

    That's what my secret decoder rings says, anyway.

  10. Yeah, lewy, I was very dismayed by his lawyer's statement.

  11. OK, I'm going to listen to Banking Queen again, I need some cheering up.


  12. OT

    Danish prosecutors argue Breivik insane at time of shooting. Ie., no trial. Just as I predicted- no need for the dhimmified state to stage an accident for him or otherwise- just "institutionalized". Forever.

    Bawer and Steyn are correct...

  13. Look how they ripped apart Nikki Haley with allegations of affairs. It's the go-to scandal, apparently.

    I do look very askance at someone with a wandering eye. I realize that it's more-than-common, and more like one of the requirements to be a part of the male leadership club, but it's close to a deal-killer for me. Everyone has something that sets them off, for me this is it. If I can't trust someone to be faithful to their wife, how can I trust them to be faithful to the principles they have sworn to uphold? Fidelity is one of those things you swear to in marriage...

    That being said, we haven't even gotten to the, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman..." part in this. So.

    Meh. It doesn't excite me. It doesn't put me in a tiff. Although it's apparently damaging him quite severely.

  14. Cain's "reassessing" his campaign. You know, last night on the news I watched that woman tell her tale of an extended affair with Cain, and unlike the bimbos who accused him of sexual harassment, she seemed sincere and believable.

    Today, I'm not sure. Cain is the left's worst nightmare; an educated, accomplished, articulate black conservative. Are the far left whackos paying these women exorbitant sums to lie through their teeth? Are they that afraid? Or is Cain the liar; professing his innocence while wagging his weenie all over the place?

    If Cain is innocent of these accusations, we are allowing the left to choose our candidate, and the course of our nation.

  15. I wish I knew the truth of the matter as well, lady red.

    My personal feeling is that these are just smear campaigns. He's not a stupid man, if he had all these skeletons in his closet, why run? He had to know they would all come out eventually.

    If Cain is innocent of these accusations, we are allowing the left to choose our candidate, and the course of our nation. Not for the first time. The media chose the JEM by not vetting him (and outright support for him as well).

  16. He's not a stupid man, if he had all these skeletons in his closet, why run? He had to know they would all come out eventually.

    Because they ALL have something. You can't get to that level of success without stepping on some toes.
    One thing I will give the Palins, regardless of my feelings for her (I don't hate her, but I don't think she's President material) - if her marriage had been anything less than strong and committed, we would have known about it. Aside from some asinine and ridiculous allegations, there wasn't a whisper of cheating on the part of her or her husband.

    Their marriage is what they said it was. As, for the most part, was her history. I don't think the lawsuits et al changed anyone's opinions of her, those were formed on the basis of the media's portrayal of her intellect.
    end of aside

    People are yin and yang. Extreme excellence or appeal in something has to be balanced out by something else. And since Jesus hasn't returned yet, perfection isn't available in the human race.

  17. there wasn't a whisper of cheating on the part of her


  18. If Cain is innocent of these accusations, we are allowing the left to choose our candidate, and the course of our nation.


    In other news: water is wet.

  19. Aridog just made me guffaw. My cat did not appreciate it.

  20. Aridog, that has been my point through this entire affair. I will bet you that the next time there is a black man espousing a conservative point, he will be accused of sexual harassment. If I were you, I would not take the bet because you know it would be a losing proposition for you.

    As I have said several times, do not believe the MSM when they tell you that a certain Republican is not-electable. The reason they say that is because they are scared to death of him (or her) and want to do anything they can to be sure that person is not elected.

  21. I missed the Cain press conference but saw snippets on the news. Is his bodyguard detachment from the Nation of Islam?!? I don't remember those guys in any other public appearances...

  22. I saw the presser florrie, but don't remember seeing any bodyguards (although I'm sure they were there in droves). I was too busy watching Gloria Cain's reactions, I guess.

    Cain stood up there and swore that all the allegations are false. I might be the most gullible broad on the planet, but I believe him (and I've had my doubts over the last weeks). If he truly is innocent, I hope he sues those women for every dime they have and every dime they ever WILL have.

  23. I believe him too, lady red.

    I got it a little muddled, I was referring to immediately after the press conference when he was shaking hands and talking to the crowd.

    His bodyguards looked scary.

  24. I thought the JEM was on another vacation. Yet I turn the tv on and he and TOTUS are giving another "speech" about the payroll tax cut and evil Republican.

    Thank gawd for the mute button. Miserable empty suit...

  25. I'll be GLAD when he's in Asia for the rest of the month. He can stay there forever as far as I'm concerned.

  26. OMG, he's going to give another speech!!!

    Lordy, we have to listen to him even when he's on vacation.


  27. More class warfare. Hasn't he watched the "Eat the Rich" video yet?

    Heaven help us.

  28. florrie, that was when I turned the channel to a History Channel special on secret societies. I'd rather hear people ranting about Skull and Bones.

    It was pretty interesting.

  29. That sounds allot more interesting to me as well, afw. The little I did follow of his 2nd speech in as many days was just more divisive shyte.

  30. So florrie, are you keeping up with AHS? Can you believe ..... did that to ....! I can't believe ..... was involved with the death of .......! I think ...... is the mastermind behind all of this. Can't wait until tomorrow when .... reveals ...self to ....!

    Sorry AFW :-P

  31. But the speech was awesome! Finally let his mask slip...America, you don't have any impact on your success/'s a community effort. There is no longer you...there is us.

    If people don't see that for what it is, then we're screwed.

  32. Can you believe ..... did that to ....! I can't believe ..... was involved with the death of .......! I think ...... is the mastermind behind all of this. Can't wait until tomorrow when .... reveals ...self to ....!

    RWC, I think you summed it up nicely! We're looking forward to 10 pm tomorrow night...

