Saturday, October 22, 2011

Here is another Steyn of good stuff

As usually, Mark Steyn puts thing very nicely into perspective. How anyone could ignore the obvious like this is just beyond me. It can't be accidental, it has to be malicious.


  1. Since 1970, public-school employment has increased ten times faster than public-school enrollment. In 2008, the United States spent more per student on K–12 education than any other developed nation except Switzerland — and at least the Swiss have something to show for it. In 2008, York City School District spent $12,691 per pupil — or about a third more than the Swiss. Slovakia’s total per-student cost is less than York City’s current per-student deficit — and the Slovak kids beat the United States at mathematics, which may explain why their budget arithmetic still has a passing acquaintanceship with reality. As in so many other areas of American life, the problem is not the lack of money but the fact that so much of the money is utterly wasted.


  2. I saw the clip when it ran on Fox. The parents of those kids should be allowed to sue Biden for child abuse!

  3. The parents of those kids should be allowed to sue Biden for child abuse!

    tee hee, I can get on board with that!
