Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Well, That Didn't Take Long

The President of the Canadian Arab Federation spreads conspiracy theory that Norway attack was Israel’s handiwork.


  1. We missed most of the news out of Oslo because it was a minute before Shabbat. On Saturday night I was listening to the news at my parents, and my mum and I both said at the same time "Just wait, they'll find a way to blame this on Israel". We were being half-funny.

    So, no surprise here.

    Pafe'ic, innit.

    Seriously speaking, because this maniac has named in his manifesto so many rightist and center-right people and websites, including Israel itself, he has done more to wipe out rightist activity than any Marxist could hope for.

    It could almost lead us to claim that this was a leftist false-flag operation. It would make at least as much sense as the CAF's ravings.

  2. And just wait until the Canadian Islamic Congress spokesnutter weighs in...

    Our very own scaramouche will likely provide details presently. The CIC drips with latent Judenhass and perfidy.
