Monday, July 25, 2011

More partisan talk as Obama addresses The Race

Feeling some heat, he needed to rally his supporters.

Two weeks ago Murguía, La Raza’s president, issued Obama a warning for not delivering immigration reforms he promised during his presidential campaign.

Guess he hasn't delivered enough yet...

Cecilia Muñoz has served as the Obama administration’s director of intergovernmental affairs from the very beginning. Muñoz was previously La Raza’s senior vice president in charge of research, advocacy and legislation.

Her tenure at the White House has coincided with a sharp increase in federal funding for La Raza, according to a recent Judicial Watch investigation. This flow of funds has only solidified the group’s advocacy for liberal policies that solidify the Obama administration’s position among a key constituency of Hispanics.

Link here

His stump speech included ever more cringe-inducing analogies.

Let's be honest, I need a dance partner here, and the floor is empty.

Good King Barack could fix this whole mess - despite those rascally Republicans and the evil Fox News!

Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting.

Whew, good thing he add this qualification, albeit with a stutter.

But that’s not how, that’s not how our system works.

I'm sure he and Holder can find a way around that...


  1. Thank gawd for the mute button.

    I have to read the text of his speeches as I can no longer abide the sound of his voice.

  2. Better be careful. Someone might label you as a radical, extremist Tea Partier. Boo!

    "This is the Police! Put your hands in the air and step away from the plate of home-baked peanut butter cookies!"

  3. tee hee

    Yes, we're so dangerous. Don't forget we're racist too, lady red! Sheila Jackson Lee says so!

  4. Oh geez, how could I forget that? LOL! Racist, radical, extremist...we've hit the trifecta! We're the bogeyman on steroids!

    We should go hide in Harry Reid's closet, and jump out when he least expects it. Haha!

  5. Oh, good lord in heaven, he's giving another speech TONIGHT! If he's so BRILLIANT, why doesn't he get it that people are SICK of seeing his mug on TV every night?!?


  6. I'd live-blog it, but I figure you all would scream maniacally and chase me around TCKT with pots and pans. I'm not feeling that spry this evening. ;)

  7. Cover yer ears! His lips are moving!

  8. Hey, I think I just had a tingle up my leg! Oh, never mind. It was a mosquito. *swat*

  9. Cover yer ears! His lips are moving!


    I did, I did!!

  10. I've been trying and trying to contact my congressman and my senators, but to no avail. Lines are busy, and servers are busy or non-responsive.

    I'm thinking that's a GOOD thing. We'll see.

  11. I watched both addresses last night. Noah clamped on his earphones and watched a movie on his 'puter, scowling at the TV every few seconds and growling.

    Obama blamed Bush for the mess, preached a little doomy/gloomy BS, and farted a few rainbows. Boehner stood tough and resolute, and didn't cry.

    All theater, and no substance. I'm sure the US will be downgraded no matter what the idiots in Washington do. Anyone who has an adjustable mortgage or a credit card balance is screwed. Businesses will be unable to afford to borrow money; there will be more layoffs in our immediate future, just in time for winter.

    The gov't sends out 80 million checks a month; Turbo Timmy and the Emperor With No Clothes say these checks will not go out without raising the debt ceiling. Well, soon millions more will be jumping in the wagon. At what point does the system collapse under its own weight? 90 million checks? 100 million checks?

    A hard rain is gonna fall.

  12. Bernie Sanders has said publicly that Obama should face a primary challenger.

    His (BO's)PR campaign isn't working.

  13. Obama shtick: The President of the United States ... as Victim. As soon as he referred to 2004 he made it manifest.

    And Geithner ... 80 million "checks" ...since when did SSA issue checks to the majority of its recipients? Since when did SSA issue them on a Tuesday [02 August] instead of sequentially on Wednesdays through the month? Since when did the SSA not have enough aged Treasury Notes to cash in to cover their issues?

    Guess they've obligated more funds than committable [government and GAAP "accounting" terms ... means you know up front you can't pay and intend to default]...and why, by golly, that is against the law already [The Anti-deficiency Act]. Does Geithner know anything about how Treasury works? Do either know what "off budget" means?

    I must have been in Montana too long.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. BTW ... "off budget" refers to things like Social Security, "Trust" accounts, and expenditures, that are "committed" first [based upon existing T-Notes], then obligated in a given year, and paid out. The "Budget" refers only to that revenue NOT committed to SSA and other "Trusts."

    The only way to legally not pay them out is to default on prior obligations, which means defaulting on Treasury Notes per se ... and doing so Intentionally spending said funds on "on-budget" [new]items not previously "committed" or "obligated." Equivalent, not to an empty piggy bank, but to a smashed piggy bank that is purposefully robbed.

  16. Florrie, as an Independent, I'll trip all over myself to vote for ANY democrat who is running against The Arrogant One in the primaries.

  17. Aridog, those are good points I hadn't thought of. I haven't heard your observations from anyone in the media or in Washington; surely these things have occurred to SOMEONE...WTF?

    Do you ever get the feeling that someone is creeping up behind you? With everyone focusing on all the Obama-drama, I keep looking over my shoulder. Maybe it's just because I'm angry and thoroughly fed up. x(

  18. Pekrwud sez ....

    Lady Red said... ... as an Independent, I'll trip all over myself to vote for ANY democrat who is running against The Arrogant One in the primaries ...

    Cynthia McKinney for Prez ... Yay!!

  19. Lady Red said ...

    I haven't heard your observations from anyone in the media or in Washington; surely these things have occurred to SOMEONE...

    Why? I've posited before that the entire country is now run by persons who have never done the work nor bothered to learn how. Obama is first among those equals. Geithner [Turbo Tax did it!!] is another. Really. Just on the Tutbo Tax defense ...anyone who has used Tutbo Tax-Delux or higher knows it is impossible unless the taxpayer intentionally lies on the input screens/forms.

    Do you ever get the feeling that someone is creeping up behind you?

    Nope. Just like in "Dog Day Afternoon" we're getting screwed right up front without benefit of a kiss.

  20. #15 Aridog, great post.


  21. I'm not surprised you know more than Geithner. I watched him not answer questions put to him by Chris Wallace this weekend. I wondered HTF can a guy like this be in such a position of supposed responsibility?

    Good explanation in #16, Aridog, thanks. I've had it with the double-speak out of the belt-way. And not just double speak but blatant lies.

    What do you all think of Krauthammer's opinion, that the House needs to accept Boehner's plan and run it to the senate? He thinks we need to compromise now and not go into default in order to make the needed gains in 2012 to start dismantling Obamacare and REALLY making significant budget/entitlement cuts.

  22. I'm not surprised you know more than Geithner

    I don't think I know more than Geithner overall ... I just know the fundamentals of how our federal government is funded and accounted for ... and he obviously does not ... or chooses to ignore it.

    He has a lot of company these days, from SES appointees on up through cabinet level posts...and including the President. Especially the President. Virtually none have ever worked where the rubber meets the road ... they've skimmed a book or two at best and maybe spent 90 days "interning" here and there.

    The result of all this is a dangerous tilt toward "rules" and "regulations" having the force of federal law without a scant relationship to the actual laws they relate to on basis. At the moment the EPA is running amok in this regard. I suspect the EPA portion of the CFR's (Compiled Federal Regulations), cited under legal code, titles is soon to exceed that of the IRS and Dept of Transportation combined ...a feat that is unimaginable.

    I frankly no longer want to know. I tilted at my portion of the federal windmill long enough to know when the tsunami tide is coming in, so to speak.

  23. Oh, that doesn't sound good at all.

  24. Floranista sez...

    #15 Aridog, great post.

    Me, ah prefers # 19. :)

  25. I hate that I don't always have the time to post - all the good conversations seem to happen when I'm working! POO!

  26. LOL pekrwud, I just saw your 19. You really know how to hurt a girl!

  27. Florrie asked ....

    What do you all think of Krauthammer's opinion, ...

    Had to re-read and think a bit on this question. Answer is: I generally agree with Krauthammer. He seems to be a moderating voice. He seems to add some pragmatism to the principle of debt management.

    In particular I agree with his idea to support McConnell's idea of handing the President temporary short term (6 months at a time) authority to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling ... e.g., let him "own" any increases prior to 2012. Nobody else seemed to like that idea. Same for his opinion to let Boehner's plan go forward (which has not happened due to Republican resistance ... which is politically dangerous IMO). The Dem controlled Senate would not concur and that also let's the Dem's "own" the debacle. As it is we're at risk of letting the JEM out-Chicago-politic the otherwise rational Congress members, Republicans and Blue Dog Dem's alike.

    It's simple: the debt ceiling WILL be raised, when is one issue and with what constraints is the other. I realize that the majority of the "public" does NOT understand the difference between "off budget" and "on budget" spending, which is mostly additions (new programs, etc.) to the depth of the hole we're still digging. More's the pity, but we've passed that point where the KISS principle applies I fear. Social Security, Medicare, Military sustainment, and some other expenditures are off budget items. They need modification, but they are NOT the falling sky portrayed IF normal federal commitment and obligation laws and rules are applied...and Treasury Notes are not defaulted upon.

    They do NOT have to be defaulted upon in the short run unless "on budget" (discretionary) spending is given precedence (against the law ... enforcible, donno?) Both Obama's and Geithner's comments vis a vis stopping SSA "checks" (actually direct deposits in most cases) is germane here ... they think they have legal and political authority to do so.

    The scary part is I think they CAN do so with disregard for normal federal fiscal law. Like Holder is going to stop them? Ha! That little sissy quibbler likely hasn't a clue anyway. In a way, although it would impact me, personally, (I am a FERS federal retiree ... e.g., SSA is major part of the "pension" package) maybe they should ... they damn sure would "Own" the debacle then in most eyes ... e.g., they'd be the ones pushing grand-ma off the cliff, not Cantor or Ryan.

    I am most sorry that Ryan's plan was not given real consideration. I think not forcing that issue was a fiscal and political mistake.

    In summary: the debt ceiling is going to go up. The question is who holds the bag, so to speak.

  28. I need to add that I think Lewy's financial analysis, on other threads, is spot on. My position is almost purely political. I also agree that Reid would wreck Boehner's bill and send it back to the House ... then the contest would be who could blame who once again. F'ing JEM stands above this and stands to gain if he can portray he's the "reasonable" one. I think the Tea Party folks are in danger of missing the forest for the trees on this.

  29. Your take on all of this is invaluable aridog. You look at it from a perspective that most people (including me) don't see.

    I think the debt ceiling WILL go up, whether congress acts or His Royal Highness farts the 14th amendment out of his clueless ass.

    I think the TP sees the forest clearly. They know if they sign on to Boehner's plan, this "crisis" will be averted by a compromise plan in the Senate. Then it will be thievery-as-usual in Washington, and NOTHING will be solved. We'll continue our downward spiral from the drain to the sewer.

  30. This whole debacle makes me feel the same way I feel the week before we PCS (move). I look around in despair and just want to throw a match into the house with some lighter fluid.

  31. I want to echo what lady red said in #30. Your perspective is a big help, 80% of what I'm hearing (and lots of what I'm reading) is partisan talking points or down right shyte.

  32. Lady Red [a.k.a "Redneck Savant" :-L ] sez ...

    I think the TP sees the forest clearly.

    I'd like to believe that, but I'm getting a vibe that says they seek to win the battle, but ignore the war. They seek vengeance too much, perhaps ... and that is the same hubris they purportedly dislike in the arrogance of the Progressives.

  33. airforcewife said...

    This whole debacle makes me feel the same way I feel the week before we PCS (move). I look around in despair and just want to throw a match into the house with some lighter fluid.

    On a mini-town hall I saw briefly recently a perfectly normal looking lady stood up (responding to a question about what she wanted?) and said " JUST STOP! JUST. STOP. "

    That's about how I feel.

  34. Unfortunately, "my perspective" relies upon the KISS principle and it being applied when all else fails.

    I don't know that anyone inside the Beltway is capable of that anymore. I DO know that they ARE capable of doing things irregardless of the law per se ... I've directly witnessed it. I almost expect it now.
