Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday Afternoon Video

I was just watching Obama's new press sec'y, Jay Carney. I figured he HAD to be better than his predecessor but now I'm kind of missing Gibbs...awful big shoes to fill, those...

Montage Here

Thanks to Politico

(You'll have to follow link as the embed had "issues".)


  1. I really REALLY didn't like Gibbs, the smarmy condescending bastard. I too figured the new guy had to be better, but he sounds so much like Gibbs that it makes me cringe. Where do they find these nitwits?

  2. Issues? What issues?

    You're welcome :)

  3. Our Magic Fayre strikes again! ;)) :X

  4. I, for one, am pleased. Gibbs just made it SO EASY.

    Now I can remain lazy. And surly.

  5. afw - you possess a surfeit of candor.

  6. Keep in mind, whomever the spokesthingie, s/he has to defend this level of non-thought:

    President Barack Obama said Gaddafi had “lost the legitimacy to rule” and should step down immediately. cite: Sunday Tel, 27.02.11

    "Legitimacy to rule"? "Legitimacy to rule"????? WTFF???? Obama is a dangerous naif, but need he compound his naivete with such breathtaking stupidity?

    Eighteen more months of T(eleprompter)OTUS...

  7. "Eighteen more months of T(eleprompter)OTUS..."


  8. Meanwhile, back in Obamastan (ie., inside the Beltway and on a golf course in HI), the farce that is "Iraq" (read Earl's comments on DL going back in perpetuity)(enough of the self-promotion, young man!- ed.) is now unravelling:

    Ie., Obama fwaps on about whatever enters his vacuous ObamaWorldView (TM), but what four thousand Yanks and Brits have died for (and many more been maimed for) continues towards its ultimate dissolution.

    Exeunt, TOTUS, stage left. Soonest 2013, please!!!!
