The Obama administration has become so concerned about the slowing pace of new drugs coming out of the pharmaceutical industry that officials have decided to start a billion-dollar government drug development center to help create medicines.
The plan? The gummint develops the new drugs (what could go wrong?), and then hands the production (and profits) off to Big Pharma. An empty payback for Big Pharma's support of ObamaCare? GlaxoSmithKline must be cringing in horror. The whole ball of wax is the personal playground of one, I mean czar:
Creating the center is a signature effort of Dr. Collins, who once directed the agency’s Human Genome Project. Dr. Collins has been predicting for years that gene sequencing will lead to a vast array of new treatments, but years of effort and tens of billions of dollars in financing by drug makers in gene-related research has largely been a bust.
As a result, industry has become far less willing to follow the latest genetic advances with expensive clinical trials. Rather than wait longer, Dr. Collins has decided that the government can start the work itself.
“I am a little frustrated to see how many of the discoveries that do look as though they have therapeutic implications are waiting for the pharmaceutical industry to follow through with them,” he said.
Dr. Collins’s ability to conceive and create such a center in a few short months would have been impossible for most of his predecessors, who had nice offices but little power. But Congress in recent years has invested real budgetary and administrative authority in the director’s office, and Dr. Collins is the first to fully use these new powers.
The name of the new bureaucracy is the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. N-CATS. I wonder who thought of that funky little acronym? The comments section was interesting too.
We can only assume these will be no-bid, sole source, union jobs with lottery winner style pensions without having to buy a ticket that will not be taxed at the state level and of course they will be fully competitive like the postal service, police and firemen, teachers, federal and state workers not to mention railroad jobs where 97% go on disability while the other 3% await more paperwork. I can't wait for this badly needed medicine. Give me a Witch Doctor instead please
I can only pray that AD is being facetious...
Chapel Hill
January 22nd, 2011
9:44 pm
This is great. Research, both applied and basic, is probably the one thing the US government does best. Private industry cannot come close to replicating government infrastructure, funding structure and resources, and willingness to take the long view and pursue multiple agendas.
A palate cleanser:
Northern Virginia
January 23rd, 2011
8:57 am
Another taxpayer funded sinkhole for government spending. If you like TSA, you will love government sponsored drugs. Instead of looking at the way his administration impedes drug development, Obama does the predictably left wing approach. Blame the private sector and tax and spend.