Monday, November 22, 2010

Cowen To Dissolve Irish Government

This is scary stuff.

Prime Minister Brian Cowen said late Monday that he would step down once a series of fiscal packages and budgets were in place next month, acceding to the demands of the opposition and its coalition partner, and injecting the threat of political instability into a financial crisis that already has markets on edge.

Is Portugal next? Is there enough euros in all the world to bail out Spain?  Will Bristol win Dancing With The Stars?  So many unanswered questions....


  1. Will Bristol win Dancing With The Stars? So many unanswered questions....

    LOL, she better not. But not because she is Bristol. Because she is NOT the best dancer.

    I'm not sure what is worse, being named after a boring English city (Bristol) or being named after an English slang word for boobs (Bristols).

    I love love love Derek Hough, he and Jennifer Grey deserve to win. If they don't, I'm gonna go mental innit...

    (er, that doesn't mean I'm going to do anything other than reach for the remote and switch off the TV).


  2. I am totally amused by the easy manipulation of the television viewing public vis a vis Bristol Palin. The ONLY reason she is still in contention is because it sells ... e.g., helps ratings, via name and family connection. If the same identical girl were named Dorothy Hoffenfritz or Gwendolen Doltsky she's have been "voted off" in the first show of the series.

  3. No worries, however, if Bristol wins or loses is immaterial. Her ponderous performances on DWTS aside, the TLC Mama Grizzly "Reality" show is up and running now, and Mamma Griz is about to take off on her second book tour, coincidently hitting most major primary states. Fascinating coincidental timing for all that, eh?

    Sarah baby has the Obama style drill down pat now: Make a lot of noise & speeches --> write a couple books --> go on tour --> run for high office.

    Actual productive accomplishments not required.

  4. I've only seen Bristol dance once on DWTS, and it was pretty dang bad. However, I'm greatly enjoying watching all the heads explode over her fan base.

    I believe folks are voting for her because they feel that the Palin's have gotten a bad shake. They're "pushing back" by voting for Bristol. She won't win, but it's fun watching the left panic as they read the tea leaves and contemplate the fact that many Americans LIKE the Palin family.

    I'll be curious to see how well Sarah's book sells. She might be on the receiving end of some "push back" too. The left is frothing at the mouth and howling at the moon, and the nastier they get, the more books Palin will sell.

  5. FFS, she's a kid, people should leave her alone.

    She dances as well as the fat black kid who is also in the finals but nobody seems too concerned about HIM winning out over Brandy.

    And the whole strategy to garner viewership IS the popularity of their names. I'm sure if 50-something Jennifer Gray's name was Dorothy Hoffenfritz or Gwendolen Doltsky she'd have been voted off early as well.

    Fucking ridiculous that a fluff dancing competition is a major news story.

  6. It's horrible seeing the country I love most after the US in such dire financial straits.

  7. Fucking ridiculous that a fluff dancing competition is a major news story.

    I thought the same thing, which is why I attached it to what SHOULD be the main story. The media has gone around the bend, and they're not coming back anytime soon.

    You're correct about the hypocrisy too, florrie. No one will screech that the fat black kid can't dance, or that the show is rigged because HE made the finals. Kyle Massey and Jennifer Gray are also "famous", so I don't understand the double standard.

    Oh wait... yes I do.

  8. Aw come'on...fat black kid, fat white chick. No matter .... IT - IS - NOT - REAL ! Period. And you're right, it isn't worth mentioning in any media ... but it gets mentioned anyway.

    Cry me a tear for the poor Palin family and how they've been abused. Be interesting to check the net worth about now...considering she claimed to be too poor to remain governor, etc. The family is a cottage industry all by itself, every bit as choreographed as any dance. Just like Barry O in his rise from nothingness. You betcha.

  9. You hate all the Palins, Aridog, I get that. I hate it that she kills wolves too, I don't hate her daughter for it though.

    Just what part isn't real? The dancing sure is real. It DOES matter to us fans of dancing (me & Fay, for instance) that this show is turned into a circus because of partisan politics. I'm hardly shedding a damned tear, I'm just sick-to-frickin-death of everything turned into a political side show. I watch because I love dancing, and I want politics kept OUT of it.

    And if the Palins make money? Good, it's the American way. You don't like Sarah Palin, don't vote for her. I sure wouldn't.

  10. I completely agree with you florrie.

    Why this is even on anyone's radar, who isn't a fan of the show, is completely beyond my powers of reasoning. Just because a controvertial person's daughter is on the show, why does that produce such hatred and death threats.

    Yes, you read that right. DEATH threats FFS.

    Pfft, such nonsense.

  11. Well the loon-a-tics will be hap hap happy that Bristol came in 3rd.

    The results were exactly as they should have been the 1-2-3 spots were how I would have voted.

    And in case you missed it before:

    I love love love Derek Hough! Way to go babee!
