Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who Is More Despicable...

McCance or the people who are commenting on this story?  This kind of crap makes my blood boil, and I condemn it.  LOUDLY.

“Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves,” McCance allegedly wrote. “The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin.”

What a freaking idiot. The peanut gallery chimes in:

Second off, homosexual acts are death penalty crimes. It doesn’t matter whether you agree or disagree … it’s just the Law of the universe. When homosexual’ers die, Justice is served.

That ugly nugget is from post number five on the thread.  There's more, but I'm not reading it.



  1. I think McCance is overdue for a long soul-searching talk with Jesus about that whole "Love thy neighbor," thing.

    Also, about not being a piece of shit asshole.

    Thanks for being the Bad Example of Christianity (TM), douchebag.

    Oh - one final thought on that whole, "I would disown my child if they were gay," comment this DB made: I have a sneaking suspicion that any child of his with homosexual inclinations might disown HIM first. And really, that statement makes it seem as though McCance thinks that repudiating a familial connection with him is a bad thing?

    Judging from what he's said so far, I'd be more proud to be related to the Sham-Wow asshole.

  2. Judging from what he's said so far, I'd be more proud to be related to the Sham-Wow asshole.


    The view from one of my friends (who is gay) is that he really feels threatened by this kind of stuff, to the point that he's disinclined to discriminate between Christianity (true and compassionate) and "Christianity" (the systematic sanctification of hatred and self-righteous delusion). I don't agree with his perspective but given the thread which lady red linked you can certainly see where it comes from.

  3. It's time for a game of "Who'd you rather... be related to"!

    Clint McCance or Jessie Ventura?

    I thought I'd start with a hard one right off the bat.

    I'd take Ventura, because I could blame his behavior and lack of hygiene on brain damage from years of "wrestling."

  4. Who'd you rather be related to...

    McCance or Barney?

    With no hesitation, I'd choose Barney the Purple. Fair disclosure: Barney frays my last remaining nerve, my last remaining nerve, my last remaining nerve *TILT*.

    McCance is icky sticky reeky sewer sludge, and should be SHUNNED at every opportunity. Ptooey. I wish the Christians would shout from the rooftops until McCance and his hater buddies shut their obnoxious pie holes.

    It makes me really angry that gay people have to listen to this stuff, and be nervous or afraid.

  5. This whole queer thing has me tied in knots.

    What knots, one might righteously ask.

    I don't have a cogent answer to that question.

    And here I enter the realm of emotion, not facts. I can't help doing that.

    I've known queers my whole life, youth, Marines, and later San Fransisco, DC, New York, etc. Both good and earnest and the hedonistic souls.

    Shit. I'm not a hateful person, nor an out and out bigot.

    I guess I'm just not ready, or will ever be, to be Greek, or Roman.

    Bottom line, it just ain't right, somehow.

    Delete this LR if you wish and perhaps you should.

  6. All points of view are welcome here Luther, as long as they are respectful.

    There is a difference between being uncomfortable with gay people and spewing hate.

  7. I understand, Lady Red, and thanks. But unfortunately it has become a one way street. Not here, of course, but in the national discourse. Just like much else. Any word of unease or un-comfortableness with any of the aggrieved being misconstrued as words from the devil himself.

  8. Luther - will you PLEASE, for Gossake, not be such a stranger.

  9. Any word of unease or un-comfortableness with any of the aggrieved being misconstrued as words from the devil himself.

    You noticed this? Me too.

    Personally, if the folks who want to advance the gay agenda over-reach (i.e. using the judicial route over the legislative to obtain rights, in an overly-aggressive manner and far in advance of public opinion), they will get some backlash. Sadly for them, I think this is happening to some extent now. This is the way of things in a Constitutional republic.

    On the other hand, there will always be those for whom gay bashing is a kind of drug whereby their miswired brains receive a big dopamine reward when they bash gays. If they weren't bashing gays, it would be jews, or liberals, or Republicans, or somebody. They're bashers at the core.

    In the post in question, I don't think Glenn Beck is a basher, and I don't think his website is well served by the kind of comments which lady red rightfully took exception to.

    It's particularly problematic where there is a policy position which one supports (e.g. reining in, or even ending, the Federal Reserve) to which some serious basher trolls have attached themselves (there is a deep well of anti-Semitism among some Fed detractors - e.g. "we need to de-Jew the money supply" and like slogans).

    What to do?

    Personally I find it important to resist influence of all dopamine peddlers when it comes to policy choices.

    I advocate or criticize policies neither because of, or in spite of, either fanboys or bashers.

    People who peddle righteousness, or purity, or "social justice", or any other virtue with unseemly intensity immediately provoke my suspicion.

    Coming to accept myself as a greedy degenerate neo-con warmongering capitalist tool helps tremendously to keep an even keel. ;)

  10. Thanks, Dances.

    Yep, Lewy, that's the way to look at it.

  11. Update:

    In a follow-up response to Facebook users who criticized his comments, McCance wrote that he   liked that gay people "can't procreate (and) I also enjoy the fact that they often give each other AIDS and die."

    Just lovely.  And this:

    Clint McCance he would resign from his school board seat "to help my school, my community," though he said he might run again for the board in the future.  

    Heaven help us all if this POS gets anywhere near children, ever again.

    McCance said he had been made aware that the way he expressed his beliefs about homosexuals was hurtful.

    Gee Clint, ya think?

  12. It's time for a game of "Who'd you rather... be related to"!
    Clint McCance or Jessie Ventura?
    I thought I'd start with a hard one right off the bat.
    I'd take Ventura, because I could blame his behavior and lack of hygiene on brain damage from years of "wrestling".


    I'll bite.

    McCance or Behar?


  13. Oh GEEZ, florrie! That's just not fair!

  14. I just turned on the news, and all hell has broken loose. Two fighter jets are escorting a passenger jet into JFK. Suspicious packages everywhere. A bridge shut down in NY. Grounded planes. WTF?

    I think I'm getting numb to this stuff. I'll wait and see.

  15. Hmm, the passenger jet is from Yemen, with a stop in UAE before heading our way. Our Canadian brothers gave the plane a military escort until it reached American airspace, where the F-15s took over.

  16. The hullabaloo is over a suspicious package on board. Fox News has a live feed from JFK.

    I guess it's best to be overly cautious. Those poor passengers must be tinkling down both legs! Can you imagine looking out the window and seeing an F-15 up close and personal? Yikes!

    The prez is scheduled to talk at 4:15 eastern. I feel better already. :p

  17. Well, crap on toast. Uncomfirmed report: Dubai just reported finding explosives on a plane from Yemen.

    The escorted passenger jet is scheduled to land at JFK in twenty minutes or so. Everything is cool, calm, and collected. Good.

  18. Geez, those 777s are BIG mamma jammas, aren't they?

  19. I guess DHS isn't too worried; the plane taxied right up to the terminal. :-/

  20. Hmm, maybe it's not at the terminal. They're offloading passengers onto a big bus-looking thingy.

  21. "Geez, those 777s are BIG mamma jammas, aren't they? "

    Yup, but very nice too. It's what I flew to London on.

  22. Fay, are you home? When I heard about all this "grounded planes" stuff, I immediately thought of you!

  23. Anyone but me still waiting to hear specifically "why" the plane from the Emirates was escorted by F-15 (s?) to landing at JFK in NY ... then elaborately unloaded and examined?

    Only thing I've heard over CNN, Fox, and broadcast channels is that it did NOT have anything aboard from Yemen.

  24. Fay is coming back on Sunday. Fay and her suster are really close, so I am happy to have them get together. But it is hard!!

    As for todays event, old ladies from Des Moines are really gonna get close scrutiny now.

  25. Matt, I'm so glad that Fay is spending time with her sister, but I'll bet you'll be ecstatic to have her home. :)

  26. I'll bet you'll be ecstatic to have her home.

    Oh yeah! I'm rather fond of that young lady.
