Wednesday, October 13, 2010

White Men With Guns

Please read this blog post by a woman named "Keka".

Well, that, I think, is where we are now. We tried. For a long time. But now, we’ve crossed this weird, invisible line. What’s being said can’t be taken back, and what it allows some very sick people to think and, now, say and do will be very difficult if not impossible to stop.

Scares me to death.

This woman, and people like her, scare me to death.  Racially-charged rhetoric drags us all down into the gutter. To whom is she speaking? I would ask her, but

Oh, and by the way—if you want to comment, please do. But I won’t be responding to comments pro or con this time. Those who agree…don’t need me to say anything and those who don’t wouldn’t listen if I did. I just had to speak my piece.

How...convenient. Good grief.  Lob a spitball, then run for cover behind Mommy's skirt.  Classy.

The images she displays are offensive. There were similar, equally offensive images about Bush. I think all decent Americans wrinkle their noses at such tripe, regardless of their skin color or personal politics. But uh uh, oh no. Let's slurp the backside of a "racist" label and plaster it on white people in general, and the Tea Party in particular.

Keka states:

My fifth grade teacher was Emmett Till’s mother, for Chrissake.

For Chrissake! I won't give you street cred for that. Is the legacy of Emmett Till that you wallow in your perceived helplessness, wringing your hands in wild-eyed fear of a fucking bumper sticker? Show some strength and dignity! Rise above it, and seek out the best our country has to offer. Most people have, and I'm pretty sure a goodly number of them have skin a shade or two darker than mine.

Quite frankly, I'm sick to death of the whole race thing. I'm sick of the crackers who won't shut their ignorant mouths, and I'm sick of the whiny people like Keka who play the same worn out card over and over and over.  If our society can't find a way to shunt these people to the fringe, we are doomed.

H/T Big Journalism via Confederate Yankee.


  1. Yeah. I went there.

    These people trade on white guilt. Sorry, I'm all out. There are big problems to solve, and women like Keka can either step up to the plate or STFU.

    SRSLY. :D

  2. White man without a gun 'for now' here.

    Hey lady red....there's still room on the Steelers bench for ya :-)

    They don't call him Big Ben for nothing (sorry about that)

  3. I found it telling that she assumed that a statement of fact on a vehicle's window (um... most of those who won our independence WERE gun toting, male and a rather pale shade) indicated that the driver was the kind of scum that would torture and kill another person because he was black.

    It didn't even cross her mind that he/she may have just been fed up with the perpetual hand wringing and demonization of white males.

    I can't help it that I was born of mostly Scots Irish/German/English stock. I am fairly certain that my ancestors have done any number of abominable things which I would not condone. But it doesn't mean that I cringe or deny the fact that I came from them. I had ancestors who likely did some ugly things to Indians in PA in the tit for tat that went on in a frontier that others were glad to have the Scots Iris tame. I probably had some slave owners in the tree as I know I have fore bearers who fought on both sides of the civil war, and recently found out that some were early settlers in Maryland's Eastern shore tobacco country.

    I am raising two white males. I will do my best to raise them to not shrink from or apologize for the happenstance of their birth; I want them to grow to embody the best of the ideals that drove those white men with guns who secured our independence. It's too bad that she can't manage to see past the color of a person's skin.

    As for the images she posted - they're ugly, but no uglier than political images that have been posted down through the years (look into some of the stuff done in the 1800s!). I categorically deny the argument that they are somehow more unseemly simply because he's melanin-enhanced. I'm sorry they scare her, but it tells more about her than it does about the culture as a whole.

  4. And speaking of brown people... Is anybody else totally fascinated by the ongoing mine rescue operation in Chile?!? I've been obsessively going back to the updates all day - it's just amazing.

  5. Yes! We stayed up last night and watched the first miner come to the surface. We've been following it all's truly a miracle!

  6. I am a white man with guns, and the images she posted disgusted me, just exactly as much as the images the Lady Red posted about Bush.

    Pretty amazing how she seems to find it so much more evil when it is about Obama, eh?

    As to 'reading a history book' she obviously subscribes to the revisionist theory that essentially all wealth in this country, both south and north, was created by theft & slave labor.

    Seems to me the she is a slave to her own sad racism, and as such simply continues the hatred while believing that she is on the right.

  7. And yes, I have been watching the miners coming up as much as I can, and every emergence brings tears to my eyes.

    Just think how much happier I would be, as an innate racist, if they were white.

  8. Only one miner left to bring up. The last miner just thanked the United States.

    Now I'm even more sniffly.

  9. Okay, the last miner is on his way up! There are still four or five rescue workers to bring up. This is so awesome!

  10. Lady Red - the man who controlled the drill which made the tunnel was an American, who was called in from Afghanistan for this job, because he is, simply, the best in the world at operating this equipment.

    I guess the next-to-last miner must have known.

  11. All 33 are rescued. ^5, Chile!

    DWT, I gather that NASA also contributed their expertise to this valiant operation. I'm very glad that Americans could help!

  12. Here is the story of the American drill operator who is a hero in Chile tonight.

  13. OK, I still can't figure out how to link in the comments, but for anyone who can:

    There is the story of the American skilled worker who is a hero in Chile, tonight

  14. Can I just say that I knew nothing about Chile's president before this, but from what I've seen of how he and his wife have conducted themselves, I really, really like him?

    Dances, thanks for that link - I've made sure everybody here knows about that humble, amazing man.

  15. Three more rescue workers to come up; one getting in now.

  16. And everybody's up without incident - incredible. Now... what are they going to do with all those shafts?

  17. Most mine disasters have tragic endings.

    Not this time.

    Completely awesome.

    (Free verse haiku).

  18. So, did the Black Panthers standing in front of the polling station, brandishing batons and using epithets scare "Keka" as well? And what is this "scared" shit? WHY? Of what? Worried, I get. I can see people being worried about something. But scared?

    There are way too many people in America today who need to put on their Big Girl Panties and move the hell on.

    That's not a statement about ignoring true threats, it's an encouragement to DO SOMETHING when there is a true threat. And then shut the hell up. This whole "woe is me!" chorus drives me nuts. Get involved, refuse to be a victim, move forward, and stop acting like the only defense is to cower in a corner.


  19. Also, WTH is it with "I will not be answering comments"? Let me get this straight - WE are supposed to listen to YOU, but you don't have to answer any questions about faulty reasoning or hysterics?

    Salem Witch Trials, much?

  20. I have a little different spin on this.

    afw - I think I understand the whole "I'm not going to answer the comments" thing. Keka is propagating talking points, not engaging in argument.

    There's no sense engaging in an argument if all you're doing is circulating talking points.

    I don't necessarily see this as illegitimate. I've done it myself (although when I've done it here it's been sotta voce and with explicit disclaimers: "these are talking points, not arguments".

    My issue with Keka is that she's circulating talking points which serve to further entrench the elite leadership of the Democratic party.

    Shannon Love had a great post a while back on the need for the Left to reclaim their own damn party. SRSLY. The Left needs their own Tea Party because Barny Frank and Nancy Pelosi are not your friends if you're an authentic Lefty. They're just more corporate hacks and shills with different letters in front of their districts. (OK, that was talking-pointy of me. But it still had some substance).

    I'm not pissed at Kos for mounting a "net-roots" insurgency. I'm pissed at him for sucking at it.

    My own "talking points" have been aimed at furthering the insurgency against the Republican party leadership. These people are not our friends, and they're not Keka's friends, either.

    Keka should understand she's being punked and used to sow fear between groups of people who have some common complaints. Obviously the Tea Party and the net-roots/progressive left have some serious disagreements about policy but we're both being let down by our "leaders".

    IMHO if we fight each other at the grass roots level it only serves to enforce the power of the current party hacks.

  21. I agree that we shouldn't fight each other at the grass roots level. However, we should all collectively bitch-slap any whiners.

    Like AFW so eloquently opined "There are way too many people in America today who need to put on their Big Girl Panties and move the hell on." Well said!

  22. Right-on-the-money, lady red. Thanks for taking it on.
