Saturday, September 18, 2010

Michael Moore: Idjit

Ground Zero McDonald's killed more people than 9/11 hijackers.

So sayeth Mikey.


  1. And the islamists on 9/11 killed more people than did the killers at Columbine -- but you made a bunch of money talking about how a rotten society led them to do it. So what's your point, a**wipe?

    And, allowing for purposes of discussion, how long did it take for the Ground Zero McDonalds take to kill more people than the hijackers? And, correct me if I am wrong, whomever the McDonald's killed willingly ate the food. They were not forced into it againt their will.

  2. Oh, you mean they died from obesity? And all they ever ate was MickeyD's?

    Looks like you may be living a self fulfilled prophesy there Mikey.

  3. Does Mikey eat at Micky-Dees? I bet he does.

    I'd say "his next hundred bacon double quarter pounders with cheese are on me."

    I would, but that wouldn't be very Christian of me.

    (Er... you're not a Christian - Ed.) Buddhist, Christian, same difference...

  4. Does Mikey eat at Micky-Dees? I bet he does.

    He doesn't look like he eats at Mickey-Dees, he looks like he ate Mickey-Dees. You know, the whole thing.

    He oughtta hook up with Jared. Try that whole Subway thing.

  5. He doesn't look like he eats at Mickey-Dees, he looks like he ate Mickey-Dees. You know, the whole thing.


  6. AFW, LMAO!

    (Geez, I've been here two minutes and I'm LMAO on two different threads...)
