Monday, August 30, 2010

There Will Always Be A Texas

Texans, however, I am not too sure about.

Some nasty language from the idiots involved, so you really should turn down the sound before watching at work or around children.  With sound, it is not safe for work or family viewing. 


  1. OMG, those guys have lost their ever-lovin' minds! I went from laughing at their antics to gasping in horror. Yikes!

    (DWT, you might want to add a language/violence warning to your post. I wouldn't want anyone's kids (or bosses) to get an earful or an eyeful, ya know?)

    I love what you wrote on your post; it's an instant TCKT classic!

  2. You're right Lady Red - hope this fixes it.

  3. Are they dumb or drunk?

    Or both...

  4. ROFLMAO!! I love Texas (I have to admit I was rooting for the bull).

    Made me think of RIP Ford, what are the odds that he was one of the guys on the seesaw?

    tee hee

  5. Texans, however, I am not too sure about.


  6. Fay...I'd say they're Texans who can neither ride well nor are agile enough to work as rodeo clowns. I'm sure being drunk might help, too.

    Now face down a bull or full grown steer or cow while aboard a cutting horse and I'll pay attention.

    One of my proudest moments with my late favorite horse was a day I wasn't even riding him, but a 13 year old son of a friend was aboard. "Stretch" stopped an angry full sized Holstein Bull in his tracks, out of pure frustration I'd guess, from the hypnotic dodging and cut backs he was so good at. Born and bred helps, but he was a special horse who took car of his rider (if he liked you).

    I was aboard a fresh off the track racer we'd bought and had my hands full in a panicky spinning derby....very relieved to see "Stretch" do his thing for his young rider.
