Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Professional Left And The Amateur Right

Oleg Atabashian, founder of 'The People's Cube' website, shows that he can do more than just satire, with his contrasting of taxpayer-supported leftwing activists versus the self-supporting rightwingers.


  1. No matter what I tried after adding the picture above, I could not get the text to do anything except space on center.

  2. Not that there is no sarcasm in this piece, because there certainly is. However, it is used to showcase a frightening central fact. That no matter what we do, short of a complete stoppage of federal monies for groups like ACORN, La Raza, CAIR, et al, that we will continue to fund our own destruction.

  3. "That no matter what we do, short of a complete stoppage of federal monies for groups like ACORN, La Raza, CAIR, et al, that we will continue to fund our own destruction."

    But what will they do when wwe stop paying for it? Throw us all in jail? How long will that work before too many people notice and revolt?

  4. DWT, I fixed the text for you - left justified now.
