Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dems Running Campaign Ads Against - Themselves(?!?!?!?)

I love the smell of desperation in the morning.


  1. Interesting - the only problem is if some of these D's get away with it. Their opponents will have to dissect the ads and show that (e.g.) the "vote against health care" was a sham because there were many votes, and the candidate in question did vote with Pelosi on the crucial one. Or on other crucial votes. Etc.

    Reminds me of tennis - you can't return the serve and get back into position - but you return it anyway, and hope your opponent flubs it trying to put the ball away.

    Lets hope the Republican opposition doesn't flub it.

  2. I'm heartened to see mainstream Dems distancing themselves from the far left loonies. Or are they? Once reelected, will they sneak over to the Dark Side, or worse, play both ends against the middle (as opposed to actual, you know, leadership?

  3. “What we learn from this election and I think hopefully Republicans saw clearly, is nationalizing the election, talking about Speaker Pelosi and President Obama was not as appealing to the public there than Mark Critz talking to them about their jobs.”

    So talking about the people who destroyed jobs is not as good as talking about those jobs that were destroyed?
