Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Circumventing the Cleminoles

Do you know this man?
This is Mike McCalister, Republican candidate for Governor of Florida:

"McCalister’s name will be on Florida’s GOP primary ballot on Aug. 24th. He is a retired U. S. Army Colonel who worked at CentCom; holds a PhD and MBA and taught in several colleges, and operates a business growing palm trees in Plant City. Judging from his resume, he is eminently qualified to lead a growing state of more than 15 million residents."

Except that no-one knows who he is.

He was not invited to the GOP candidate debate.  He is ignored by talk radio, as well as FOX News in Florida, and certainly the 'regular' media outlets.

Why?  Because he started late, and is polling about 1%. 

Does this speak to his qualifications (see above),  or better yet, see here.

Or is it the result of a media on both left and right, that has become the equivalent of Jonathan Swift's Flappers?

At what point does the control of what is 'pertinent' information become control of votes, and even thought?

I have no answers, only more questions, such as 'how often have the media, both left and right, controlled the vote simply by controlling the information?

In Lapua, a land described in Jonathan Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels', the ruling classes were constantly so deep in thought that they employed a class of servants called flappers (originally called cleminoles) whose sole duty was to flap the eyes, ears or mouth of their masters whenever, in the opinion of the servants, it was needful for their master to see or hear or speak regarding a certain issue.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder why he started so late? I'm no fan of the media, but I wouldn't think they'd give much coverage to someone who is polling at only 1%.

    Perhaps he should regroup and run for the governorship in 2014, when he has his ducks in a row. I'd like to learn more about him.
