Monday, July 5, 2010

Mission: Out Of Control

Charles "Charlie" Bolden is a quintessential American hero.  He's a well-decorated Marine, and a veteran of both Vietnam and Desert Storm.  He flew more than 100 sorties into North Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.  He was a Navy aviator and test pilot.  He was a NASA astronaut.  He has a Masters of Science in systems management from the University of South Carolina.

Last May, President Obama appointed him as NASA Administrator.  On the surface, it seems like an excellent choice.

Recently, Bolden consented to an interview with al-Jazeera.  In that interview, he had this to say:

When I became the NASA Administrator — before I became the NASA Administrator — [Obama] charged me with three things: One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.

Byron York wrote about the interview, and has more here.  A video of the interview can be found here.


  1. I really cannot force myself to watch the interview - the quoted excerpt was FAR more than enough.

    My disgust is essentially beyong words, here, as my belief that Obama is a muslim engaging in the greatest act of taq'qiyah in the history of the world continues to grow.

  2. Check this out:

    Bolden is married to the former Alexis (Jackie) Walker of Columbia, S.C. The couple has two children: Anthony Che, a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps who is married to the former Penelope McDougal of Sydney, Australia, and Kelly Michelle, a medical doctor now serving a fellowship in plastic surgery.

    His son's middle name is Che? Are you kidding me?

  3. Weird charge for a President to give a General. Enhance the creative and scholarly efforts of the Muslim world, which essentially ended in the 13th century, and had been "advanced" by invasion and conquest. Also appears to try to credit Islam with the advances by the Arab world per se long prior to Islam....which is a religion not an academic discipline.

    This "self-esteem building" seems a bit like according the work of Euclid to the Orthodox Christan Church which didn't evolve until long after his death. Considering Euclid was born and lived in Egypt, of Greek pedigree, was he also a "Muslim" in antecedence?

    How many modern day Islamists give a rat's tinker about their biological ancestors' contributions to science, engineering and mathematics? For that matter, even about their religious ancestors contributions in the Golden age ending in the 13th century? Just where is the connection?

    Other than the violent dominion of the Caliphate, I guess I miss the link. I'm sure the proposed "Cordoba House" in NYC will re-illuminate all of this to infidels, and we will all live in peace and harmony.

    Good Lord, even my neighbors don't buy all this revisionism.

  4. I try my utmost not to sound like a conspiracy nut, BUT...

    Are we witnessing the endgame of a Marxist and/or Islamic takeover? Every stone I turn over I'm finding a far left activist in a position of power. They seem to have infiltrated every nook of American culture, including academia, the media, the military, and government service.

    Am I off my rocker? Should I be alarmed, or should I shut up and get a prescription for Zoloft?

  5. Lady Red -

    1) No-You are not off your rocker.

    2) Yes-You should be alarmed.

    3) I don't know-Are they good drugs? ;)

  6. is interesting to note that "taq'qiyah" is primarily a Shi'a Muslim tenant, initially a means to avoid persecution by Sunni Muslims and later other dominant religions and/or secular powers, including Christianity.

  7. The word "taq'qiyah" is not to be confused with "taqiyah" ...e.g., the hat.


    Maybe I can get some made with "Infidel" printed on them in English and Arabic for DWT, me and others. ~x(

  8. Lady Red....what I get from Obama's vibe is that he's only Marist in terms of what others have told him is "Marxisim" or "socialism"...e.g., Ayers, Alinsky, et al....and that he has no real study background in Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky or Mao, or even the quasi-democratic Ho Chi Minh until he was subjected once again as a French colonial.

    Reason is, he is too young to have been part of the great discussions of the 1960's following the Cuban revolution and later the civil rights movement. In those days we debated endlessly the differences between Lenin/Stalin (statis proletariat dictatorship) and Trotsky (permanent revolution) and if you didn't know the differences, as well as the theories of Locke, Kant et al, you were considered a dolt and dismissed. We all knew there was a melding of social aspects with democratic principles as enumerated by the founding fathers, reflecting the enlightenment writers such as Locke....who among other things, advocated that labor is vested in production.

    What I have said previously about our education system today ignores the philosophical under pinnings of our own nation as well as that of our enemies.

    I seriously doubt Obama could last 10 minutes in discussion with any of my classmates from the 60's. I know Ayers couldn't as he didn't...we all thought, including the card carrying Communists amongst us, that he was a dick....a self-aggrandizing one at that. Same thing for Fonda, Clark, Hayden, et al....all seekers of the camera & press rather than enlightenment.

  9. WTF? I've no seen a new comment in over 24 hours on TCKT.

    Is it me? I promise to bath more often than monthly in the future. Honest.

  10. Florrie's in the garden. Lady Red's at school. Jourdan's in Vienna.

    And the rest of us have jobs:)

  11. LOL! It's not you, aridog. Fay is right; everyone is busy, busy, busy! That's why I wanted so many contributors and admins. :)

    We're not in competition with anyone, nor does anyone's paycheck depend on this blog. It's just a great place for friends to gather, share ideas, and laugh a little. There will be occasional posting slumps. Not to worry; we're chatterboxes, and you know we'll make up for the slumps. ;))

  12. 'Maybe I can get some made with "Infidel" printed on them in English and Arabic for DWT, me and others.'

    Make mine 'Joyful Infidel' on the front and 'Allahu Naqba' on the back.

    Or maybe the other way 'round, as I am sure 'allah is a disaster' will cause some vicious reactions, and I would rather those be in front of me ;)
