Tuesday, July 20, 2010

But, Don't All Politicians Send Money To Their Home Districts?

According to three US Senators,  the Obama Administration, through USAID,  has sent more than $23 million to Kenya.

Which would be al well and good, except these monies are not being used to improve roads, health-care,  access to clean water or any of the normal USAID programs, but to help assure that a new draft constitution, which would 'dramatically alter Kenyas current pro-life laws, is passed by referendum.

Of course, that's not all it does.  Another provision of the constitution that Obama is pushing so hard for, would legitimize Islamic (Sharia) Law Tribunals.

"...the White House has used Vice President Joseph Biden's trip to Kenya in June and the office of U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Michael E. Ranneberger to put out the message that passage of the referendum would enable the White House to open the floodgates to allow millions of dollars of additional U.S. government aid and private investment capital to flow into Kenya."

I'm just so proud of my countries new direction in foreign policy.

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