Monday, June 14, 2010

YouScrewed By YouTube

In honor of YouTube's removal of 'We Con the World', from the pen of Mark Steyn, (with a mini-update from me) is a story of western companies bowing down to sharia idiots and removing anything the least offensive to them.

In the piece, Steyn notes that PayPal has threatened to cut off Pam Gellar of 'Atlas Shrugs', and my update consists of the news that they've done so.

I've always thought Pam was a little shrill, but she certainly does not operate a hate site, unlike many of the muslim sites that still proudly display the PayPal logo.

1 comment:

  1. DWT, I just checked her blog, and after a lot of hem-hawing, PayPal has reinstated her account.

    This hullabaloo is certainly bad PR for PayPal. I predict that someone's head will roll. Ker thunk!
